Course Material for Integrated Radio Electronics ETIN30
Process parameters 0.35um CMOS
Process parameters 130nm CMOS
Process parameters 65nm CMOS
Lecture 1 (introduction & architectures)
Lecture 2 (passive devices, RLC circuits & tuned amplifiers)
Lecture 3 (noise & low noise amplifiers)
Lecture 4 (oscillators & phase noise)
Lecture 5 (mixers & power amplifiers)
Lecture 6 (transmitters & RFIC layout)
Old lectures (slides from the 10-lecture series, for additional details)
Lecture 1 (introduction & architectures)
Lecture 2 (the MOS transistor & passive components)
Lecture 3 (RLC circuits & amplifiers)
Lecture 4 (noise & simulation tools)
Lecture 5 (low-noise amplifiers)
Lecture 6 (oscillators)
Lecture 7 (phase noise & RF layout)
Lecture 8 (mixers)
Lecture 9 (Power amplifiers)
Lecture 10 (Transmitters)
Previous tests (no exam in the course, but still useful problem solving)
X-tenta 2001-03-06
X-tenta 2002-03-05
X-tenta 2003-03-11 Solutions
X-tenta 2004-03-09 Solutions
X-tenta 2005-03-08 Solutions
X-tenta 2006-03-07 Solutions
X-tenta 2007-03-06 Solutions
X-tenta 2008-03-14 Solutions
X-tenta 2009-03-11 Solutions
X-tenta 2010-03-10 Solutions
X-tenta 2011-03-12 Solutions
Hand-ins (not mandatory anymore)
Laborations (not mandatory, but useful to get aquanted with tools)
Laboration 1
Laboration 2
Laboration 3
Exercises (not scheduled or mandatory, but can still be useful to practise problem solving)
Exercise 1 (architectures)
Exercise 2 (the MOS transistor & passive components)
Exercise 3 (RLC circuits & amplifiers)
Exercise 4 (noise)
Exercise 5 (low-noise amplifiers)
Exercise 6 (oscillators & phase-noise)
Exercise 7 (mixers)
Exercise 8 (power amplifiers & bandgap references)
Not updated to latest technology, but still useful in most parts
Exercise 1 (architectures)
Exercise 2 (the MOS transistor & passive components)
Exercise 3 (RLC circuits & amplifiers)
Exercise 4 (noise)
Exercise 5 (low-noise amplifiers)
Exercise 6 (oscillators & phase-noise)
Exercise 7 (mixers)
Exercise 8 (power amplifiers & bandgap references)