Information about the exam:
It will take place January 4, 2024, 08:00 - 13:00 MA 10G/10H
(special exam för exchange students returning home before Christmas will be arranged)
You must be approved on the three mandatory projects before the exam (or you will not be allowed to do the exam).
Reading instructions: Lecture notes, slides (and subjects as covered in lectures) and project descriptions. Usually, at least one problem will treat something from the projects. Exercises with solutions.
Bring a good calculator! miniraknare
The following material will be provided on the exam: list_of_formulas.pdf, BM algorithm in different versions: BM1.pdf + BM1b.pdf; BM2.pdf;BM3.pdf BM4.pdf.
Note: You need to sign up for the exam following LTH procedures. If you did not sign up you can still take the exam.
Old exams:
exam_220108: see Canvas
exam_210111. (home exam, no solutions)
exam_190114.pdf solutions_190114.pdf
exam_180104.pdf solutions_180104.pdf
exam_170111.pdf solutions_170111.pdf
exam_160114.pdf solutions_160114.pdf
exam_111216.pdf solutions_111216.pdf
exam_101215.pdf solutions 101215.pdf (3a should be C(D) = 1 + D + D^2 - D^6)
exam_071212.pdf solutions 071212.pdf
exam_051214.pdf solutions 051214.pdf
exam_041215.pdf solutions 041215.pdf
exam_031217.pdf solutions 031217.pdf
exam_021217.pdf solutions 021217.pdf
exam_011218.pdf solutions 011218.pdf
exam_001212.pdf solutions 001212.pdf