Guoda Tian worked on machine learning for wireless networks
Published: 2024-11-12
Title of thesis: Navigating the future - Machine learning for wireless sensing and localization.
Link to thesis in Lund University Research Portal.
Defence: Monday November 18th, 09:15, room E:1406. Zoom Link:
Title of thesis: Navigating the future - Machine learning for wireless sensing and localization.
Link to thesis in Lund University Research Portal.
Defence: Monday November 18th, 09:15, room E:1406.
Zoom Link:
Zoom ID: 62386045480
Describe your research in a popular science way
My research topic is the application of machine learning algorithms to wireless sensing and localization to improve system performance. My thesis covers three main areas: ML(machine learning)-based channel estimation, ML-based wireless sensing, and ML-based wireless positioning.
What is the most fascinating or interesting with your thesis subject?
In my thesis, I develop theoretical algorithms and conduct practical measurements to validate the results. This dual approach allows us to directly assess the performance of the proposed algorithms in practical applications.
Do you believe some results from your research will be applied in practice eventually? And if so, how / how?
I am confident that some of the results from my research will be applied in practice. The combination of machine learning and traditional signal processing algorithms represents a promising direction for future wireless systems, and relevant standardization organizations have already begun planning and discussing this topic.
What are your plans?
Currently, I am working full-time in Ericsson Sweden. My career plan is to be a standardization engineer so that I can contribute to the standard and push the frontier of wireless technology even further.
Link to the article Guoda Tian worked on machine learning for wireless networks