Ph.D., 1975, Electrical Engineering/Telecommunication theory, “Topics in probabilistic coding and modulation”. Advisors: James L. Massey and Göran Einarsson.
Docent, 1975
Professor in Information Theory since 1986.
University lecturer, 1976–85.
Department chairman, 1976–2002.
Dean of the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences, 1988–93.
Fellow of the IEEE, 1998.
Professor, honoris causa, Russian Academy of Sciences, 2000.
In 2005, the book “Understanding Information Transmission” by John B. Anderson
and Rolf Johannesson was chosen by the American Library Association’s
Choice Editors as “Outstanding Academic Title – The Best of the Best in Published Scholarship”.
Elected member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, 2006.
Principle supervisor for the following Ph.D. students