ÜPDATED (2014-11-16): The correction of the exam has been completed: it can be found here!
Please observe that the task reports will be added as they appear before the deadline.
Answers and short solutions to the examination can be found here!
Here are some additional information about the examination;
- The examination will give a total of 6 points (5 points on the exam + 1 point that is given by the tasks)
- Approximately 1/3 of the exam points are taken from questions similar to the excersises.
- Approximately 1/3 of the exam points are taken as questions conneted to the ones in the tasks
- Approximately 1/3 of the exam points are taken as statement questions from the theory, i.e. explain in words how different terminalogy relates to each other within the topic.
Allowed items on the exam;
- Calculator
- The course literature
- The signal processing table of formulas (this one is optional since all necessary material is indeed covered by the book)