EITF40 Digital and analogue projects


By Erik Hogeman D09 and Fredrik Johnsson D08

Supervisor: Bertil Lindvall

Project description

The goal of this project, which was done for the course EITF40 (digital projects) at LTH, was to build and program a version of the classic game DX Ball controlled by an IR remote control. The main hardware used was an ATmega16 microcontroller, an LCD display, an IR detector, an IR decoder and a remote control. The goal of the game is to control a paddle at the bottom and try to bounce the ball towards the floating enemies in the air. Depending on where the ball hits the paddle, it will change its angle. Two buttons on the remote control are used, to move the paddle left or right.

We both thought that this course was both interesting and fun, and useful to have done. The hardest part of the project for us was to debug all the random hardware problems that we ran into, but we think this was a good experience overall. We recommend this course to everyone who are interested in more low-level progamming or hardware.