We at EIT strive for our activities in education and research to be relevant and attractive by the community. We are therefore engaged in several cooperative efforts.
Degree projects
Many of our degree projects are conducted in collaboration with companies. It may involve examining new concepts or working methods, where the student works either at the company or at the department. The final thesis report must be openly published, but this does not prevent that several degree projects have led to results that can be patented.
See our web pages on degree projects for more information.
Guest lectures
In several of our courses we include guest lectures from companies. This gives the students the opportunity to gain insight into the specific problem areas in which the companies work, and companies can get direct contact with potential thesis project students or recruits. Contact the respective course coordinator directly (contact info is available on each course page), or our Director of Studies.
Several of the EIT researchers also participate in Lund University's outreach activities with different types of lectures, such as the NMT days, the Vattenhallen Science Center and the Research Tour.
Commissioned education
Are you interested in developing the competence of your staff in one of our areas? We are open for arranging commissioned eduction; the most straightforward is when we can use our standard courses, but other areas may also occur. Contact either our Director of Studies, Head of Department, or Lund University Commissioned Education.
Research projects
Our activities consist of about 2/3 of research, of which almost 3/4 are externally funded. The externally funded research, and a significant part of the internally funded research, are conducted in close collaboration with companies. This happens in several ways, for example through direct participation in the projects, with supporting letters at the stage of application writing, participants in reference groups, or contributing funding for commissioned research.
If you are interested in interacting with our researchers, take a look at our research groups, or ask our Deputy Head of Department or Head of Department.
Industrial PhD students
A strong opportunity for collaboration and competence development for companies are industrial PhD students. This is a special form of postgraduate education where a person in a company, within the framework of his employment at the company, is given the opportunity to undergo postgraduate education under our supervision. There are several different grants that can be applied for jointly by the department and the company to finance this activity. Contact the researcher or research group that may be of interest (see contact information under the previous heading).
LTH Open Door
In order to strengthen the conditions for small startup companies in our immediate area, we participate in the LTH Open Door (see special heading on the left). Within this framework, a smaller company can access some of our lab resources, which may be of particular value in the development and verification of prototypes.
Several companies originate from the research carried out at the department. Some examples of these are (see also compilation for LTH)
- Goalart – software for troubleshooting complex technical systems
- Mistbase - wireless communication solutions within IoT (acquired by ARM)
- Phase Holographic Imaging – technology for digital holography, mainly for medical studies
- Xenergic - technology for digital memories