Event archive, 2017
Lic. Seminar: Improving Throughput and Minimising Age of Information in dense WLANs, Using Cooperative Techniques by Antonio Fra
Published: 2017-12-13
Title: Improving Throughput and Minimising Age of Information in dense WLANs, Using Cooperative Techniques
Presenter: Antonio Franco - see portal.research.lu.se
Reviewer: Professor Markus Fiedler, Blekinge Institute of Technology (BTH)
Supervisor: Professor Björn Landfeldt, EIT
Examiner: Universitetslektor Erik Larsson, EIT
Mobile and wireless data are in increasing demand worldwide. New trends such the Internet of Things paradigm and the Smart City paradigm describe scenarios comprising thousands of devices all exchanging informations between each others wirelessly ? or through the WAN to another device, possibly connected to another WLAN. Operators and radio engineers are faced with the problem of designing efficient ways to share the electromagnetic spectrum ? a scarce and expensive resource ? between thousands of devices.
In this context, operators look at the unlicensed spectrum as possible solu- tion to complement the existing infrastructure. Unfortunately, the IEEE 802.11 MAC family, the most widespread MAC protocol in the unlicensed portion of the spectrum, still suffers when managing a large number of interconnected devices. In this thesis we are both addressing the open problems in the IEEE 802.11 MAC scheme and our contributions on their solution.
Specifically, in the first part of the thesis we are going to present the IEEE 802.11 MAC scheme and the challenges it faces, along with solutions already present in literature. We are also going to show a new metric recently defined in literature called the Age of Information (AoI). This new metric is a measure how fresh is the piece of information stored in a remote receiver. It received interest in the literature, but little is known how it behaves in a IEEE 802.11 WLAN.
In the second part of the thesis we present two papers that try to address the problem of designing new protocols that let the devices cooperate in order to achieve a common goal. They specifically focus on two metrics. The first paper addresses throughput and collisions reduction through a new MAC scheme that uses RSSI to identify other devices in a WLAN, and uses a priority base access system in order to cooperate in turns with them. We show, through simulation, that this scheme outperforms the classical IEEE 802.11 DCF mode of operation, especially in WLANs subject to high loads.
The second paper addresses the AoI both in terms of average and variance, for sensor nodes immersed in a dense WLAN that send pieces of information to a remote server via a WAN connection. We study both those metrics for a link with high variance and low variance delay. We construct and test, via means of simulations, an AoI-aware MAC, called LUPMAC - Latest Update Medium Access Scheme, aimed at reducing both the average AoI and the AoI variance at the remote server side, being also resilient to variations on the wired remote connection.
In those two papers we present two schemes suitable for the unlicensed spectrum environment, addressing both scheduling and queuing policies. They are only slight modifications to the already widely deployed IEEE 802.11 MAC. They significantly improve the metrics they focus on. They tend not to rely on a centralized unit, as most random access schemes do, and let the devices cooperate to a certain extent in order not to pollute the channel with undesired retransmissions.
When: | 2018-08-22 13:00 to 2018-08-22 13:00 |
Location: | E:3139 |
Contact: | anne.andersson@eit.lth.se |
Category: | Seminarium |
IVA-syd teknikafton ? Framsteg inom Forskning och Teknik 2017
Published: 2017-11-29
Den 14/12 berättar Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademins avgående vd Björn O Nilsson om årets teknik och vetenskapsnyheter på årets Teknikafton i Lund. Av hundratals intressanta framsteg och innovationer från akademi och företag återstår drygt 50 i IVA-talet Framsteg inom Forskning och Teknik 2017.
I det rikt illustrerade innehållet ingår flera spännande forskningsprojekt:
- Bilder av hjärnans undermedvetna reaktioner i realtid
- Pedagogiska robotar i klassrummen
- Broskceller som blir stamceller i 3D-skrivare och gjorde nya broskceller
- Katalysatorn som gör billig vätgas från vatten
Detta och mycket mer får du ta del av på årets Teknikafton i Lund.
Välkommen till Teknikafton där Björn O. Nilsson, IVAs avgående vd, berättar om årets teknik- och vetenskapsnyheter. Möt också IVAs nya vd Tuula Teeri.
Tid: Torsdag 14 december 17:00 - 19:00 - inklusive efterföljande mingel
Plats: Nedre Palaestra, Paradisgatan 4, Lund
Mer information fås och anmälan görs via: https://www.iva.se/event/framsteg-inom-forskning-och-teknik-20172/
When: | 2017-12-14 17:00 to 2017-12-14 19:00 |
Location: | Nedre Palaestra, Paradisgatan 4, Lund |
Category: | Föredrag |
Guest Lecture: Advanced SAR ADCs ? efficiency, accuracy, calibration and references
Published: 2017-10-26
Prof. Pieter Harpe from TU Eindhoven (NL) will deliver his SSCS Distinguished Lecture ?Advanced SAR ADCs ? efficiency, accuracy, calibration and references?
Speaker: Prof. Pieter Harpe from TU Eindhoven (NL)
Title: Advanced SAR ADCs ? efficiency, accuracy, calibration and references
Abstract: This lecture will discuss advanced techniques that enabled substantial performance improvement of SAR ADCs in recent years. After a brief introduction on SAR ADCs, a short overview of the recent trends will be given. Then, the presentation will show four design examples with different targets. The first topic deals with minimizing power consumption. The second and third design aim to increase accuracy by means of linearization, noise reduction techniques, and calibration. Finally, the last part describes an efficient method to co-integrate the reference buffer with the SAR ADC.
Short bio: Prof. Harpe is steadily producing world-class results in the field of CMOS SAR ADCs, with many outstanding ICs presented at the ISSCC and in JSSC. SAR ADCs are well-known to provide a great performance at reduced power consumption.
When: | 2017-11-30 13:15 to 2017-11-30 15:00 |
Location: | Room E:2311, Ole Römers Väg 3, LTH, Lund |
Contact: | pietro.andreani@eit.lth.se |
Category: | Föredrag |
Guest Lectures on Full Duplex Wireless, and High-Power and Energy-Efficient Millimeter-wave Circuits
Published: 2017-10-26
Prof. Harish Krishnaswamy from Columbia University (NY) will visit us and deliver not one, but two SSCS Distinguished Lectures: ?Full Duplex Wireless: From Integrated Circuits to Networks? and ?High-Power and Energy-Efficient Millimeter-wave Circuits and Systems for Next Generation Wireless?
Speaker: Prof. Harish Krishnaswamy from Columbia University (NY)
Related: In the morning of the same day, Prof. Krishnaswamy will be the opponent in Xiaodong Liu?s licentiate defense.
Full Duplex Wireless: From Integrated Circuits to Networks
Abstract: Full duplex wireless is an exciting emergent wireless communication paradigm where the transmitter and the receiver operate at the same time and at the same frequency. Full duplex potentially immediately doubles wireless capacity at the physical layer, while offering greater flexibility and other benefits at the network layer. However, the fundamental challenge associated with full duplex is the tremendous transmitter self interference at the receiver that can be a billion to a trillion times more powerful than the desired signal. This presentation covers recent advances in the design of integrated RF and millimeter-wave full-duplex transceivers with self-interference cancellation in various domains ? antenna, RF, analog baseband and digital. This presentation will also cover developments from the Columbia FlexICoN project (http://flexicon.ee.columbia.edu), which is investigating network-layer implications of full duplex, cross-layering in full duplex networks and co-development of the physical layer and the network layer.
High-Power and Energy-Efficient Millimeter-wave Circuits and Systems for Next Generation Wireless
Abstract: There has been a renewed interest in millimeter-waves in the recent past for next-generation (5G) wireless communication networks. While millimeter-wave silicon systems-on-chip (SoCs) are a mature technology, there are several open challenges, including the generation of high output power to close link budgets over distances exceeding 100s of meters, and the implementation of energy-efficient millimeter-wave systems. This talk will cover recent research on stacked millimeter-wave CMOS power amplifiers with high efficiencies, watt-class millimeter-wave CMOS PAs, highly digital millimeter-wave transmitters, and large-scale millimeter-wave arrays. Finally, this talk will contemplate advanced wireless communication paradigms at millimeter-waves, including massive MIMO.
Harish Krishnaswamy received the B.Tech. degree in electrical engineering from the Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, India, in 2001, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, in 2003 and 2009, respectively. In 2009, he joined the Electrical Engineering Department, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interests broadly span integrated devices, circuits, and systems for a variety of RF, mmWave. sub-mmWave and opto-electronic applications. Recent research topics include breaking Lorentz reciprocity and related applications, full-duplex wireless, high-power and energy-efficient millimeter-wave circuits and systems in silicon, broadband/reconfigurable RF radios with an emphasis on interference mitigation, and terahertz circuits in CMOS. Dr. Krishnaswamy serves as a member of the Technical Program Committee (TPC) of several conferences, including the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (2015/16-present) and IEEE RFIC Symposium (2013-present). He was the recipient of the IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) Lewis Winner Award for Outstanding Paper in 2007, the Best Thesis in Experimental Research Award from the USC Viterbi School of Engineering in 2009, the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) Young Faculty Award in 2011, a 2014 IBM Faculty Award and the 2015 IEEE RFIC Symposium Best Student Paper Award - 1st Place.
When: | 2017-11-20 13:00 to 2017-11-20 16:00 |
Location: | Room E:2517, Ole Römers Väg 3, LTH, Lund |
Contact: | pietro.andreani@eit.lth.se |
Category: | Föredrag |
Licentiate Thesis seminar: Blocker-Tolerant Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator for Wireless Communication by Xiaodong Liu
Published: 2017-10-20
Title: Blocker-Tolerant Continuous-Time Delta-Sigma Modulator for Wireless Communication
Presentetd by: Xiaodong Liu
When: November 20, 2017 10:00
Place: E:3139, Institutionen för Elektro- och informationsteknik, E-huset, LTH
Special reviewer: Lektor Harish Krishnaswamy, Columbia University, New York, USA
Supervisor: Universitetslektor Pietro Andreani, EIT
Examinator: Universitetslektor Joachim Rodrigues, EIT
The wireless communication industry has witnessed explosive growth over the last decade. The spread of mobile devices like smartphones demands power efficient receiver front-end with high level of integration in cost efficient semiconductor technology like CMOS process, which makes the direct conversion receiver a dominant receiver architecture in the mobile communication for its reduced number of filtering and frequency translating stages. As high data rate demands larger bandwidth and the lack of filtering necessities high dynamic range, continuous-time (CT) Delta-Sigma modulator (DSM) has become a compelling choice for implementing the analog-to-digital converters (ADCs) to enable a power efficient wireless receiver.
This thesis investigates the design of CT DSM ADC for wireless communication from two perspectives. The first perspective is to map the full scale of DSM's quantizer to the less filtered blockers level and optimize the quantization noise performance of CT DSM so that the blockers are accommodated within the dynamic range of DSM. The second perspective is to incorporate the ADC with the filter through global feedbacks, which results in an A/D channel-select filter (ADCSF). Therefore the strong blockers are sufficiently attenuated before they present at the quantizer input. Moreover, the global feedbacks provide additional shaping of ADC noise, which can be utilized to optimize the power/noise performance.
Both approaches are implemented in 65nm CMOS process and practical design considerations are discussed in the thesis. The first prototype achieves 64 dB dynamic range and consumes 9mA from 1.2V power supply, which result in a figure-of-merit (FOM) of 225 fJ/conversion. The second prototype has a 4th-order Butterworth filter response with the cut-off frequency at only 1.36 times the signal bandwidth to achieve a sharp filtering. The additional noise shaping on the quantization noise provided by the global feedbacks is around 23 dB. The second prototype is also integrated into the single chip direct conversion receiver where the RF-to-digital performance is fully characterized. The receiver with ADCSF demonstrates overall state-of-the-art performance.
When: | 2017-11-20 10:00 to 2017-11-20 12:00 |
Location: | E:3139, Institutionen för Elektro- och informationsteknik, E-huset, LTH |
Contact: | anne.andersson@eit.lth.se |
Category: | Övrigt |
IVA-seminarium: Ryktet om radioteknikens död är starkt överdrivet
Published: 2017-10-19
Med jämna mellanrum spås olika teknikområdens stagnation eller plötsliga död. Radiotekniken är inget undantag. Så sent som 2011 ställdes frågan om stagnation inom all kommunikationsteknik. Man konstaterade att medan den tillgängliga beräkningskraften i kommunikationsutrustning växt fyrtio miljoner gånger sedan 1957 hade datahastigheterna bara ökat en miljon gånger.
I Sverige fanns forskare som redan innan 2011 fick upp ögonen för den nya tekniken och började undersöka dess möjligheter och begränsningar. Seminariet berättar om vägen från en en teori som verkade för bra för att vara sann till verkliga tester som visar vägen mot 5G och framtida generationers mobilkommunikation.
Kvällen inleds med ett föredrag om 5G och därefter följer ett besök i labbet där vi tittar på framtidens mobila kommunikation i verkligheten. Det system vi får se har utvecklats vid LTH och har för närvarande världsrekord i effektiv dataöverföring ? 22 gånger bättre än dagens 4G.
Medverkar gör Ove Edfors och Fredrik Tufvesson, båda professorer i radiosystem vid LTH.
Mer information och anmälan: http://www.iva.se/event/ryktet-om-radioteknikens-dod-ar-starkt-overdriven/
When: | 2017-11-08 17:00 to 2017-11-08 19:00 |
Location: | E-huset, LTH (Rum: E:2311), Ole Römers väg 3, Lund |
Category: | Föredrag |
seminar: Breaking conventional bounds in electrically small antenna systems using direct antenna modulation
Published: 2017-09-18
Speaker: Kurt Schab, NC State University
When: | 2017-09-21 |
Seminar by Professor Yasuyuki Miyamoto “Tunnel FET for low power / high speed application”
Published: 2017-09-11
Speaker: Professor Yasuyuki Miyamoto, Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Tokyo Institute of Technology
When: september 15, 2017 at 10.15’
Where: E:2349
Short bio: Prof. Miyamoto has a long experience in transistor processing and characterization and he is very active in the Japanese as well as the international conference organizations.
Tunnel FETs with a sub-60-mV/dec subthreshold slope (SS) have been proposed as transistors for CMOS logic circuits. Since the high-speed operation of CMOS circuits requires a high drive current, introduction of heterojunctions in the tunnel FETs is an attractive option.
As high electron mobility provided by InGaAs channels can result in a high current density, we have studied the InGaAs/GaAsSb type-II heterojunction double-gate tunnel FETs. To obtain high current density, heavily doping in source is essential for low access resisitance. On the other hand, lower drain doping is effective to obtain low off-current as the minimum current of tunnel FETs is determined by the ambipolar behavior. Moreover, the reduction of the channel length of MOSFETs is attarctibe becuase it decreases the gate capacitance and lowers the dynamic power consumption. However, the direct source-to-drain tunneling increases in the case of short channels and it may be the dominant tunneling mechanism of off-state currents. Thus,we classified the tunneling current based on numerical simulations.
Present expermental status of InGaAs/GaAsSb type-II heterojunction double-gate tunnel FETs by top-down process is also explained..
For further scaling,body width of semiconductor is one of the limitation. Thus 2D-semiconductor, such as transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) is promisinng materials. Among the TMD materials, HfS2 has a high electron affinity so that type-II heterojunction can be formed with other TMD materials. Thus we experimentally demonstrated a vertical HfS2/MoS2 van der Waals (vdW) heterostructure transistor.
When: | 2017-09-15 |
The SSF Photonics and Electronics Conference 2017
Published: 2017-06-26
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The SSF Photonics and Electronics Conference 2017 is held in Lund on September 7, directly after the
For details, see: http://stratresearch.se/en/events/photonics-electronics-conference-2017/
When: | 2017-09-07 10:00 to 2017-09-07 17:00 |
Contact: | Pia.Bruhn@eit.lth.se |
Category: | Konferens |
2017-09-07 The Photonics and Electronics Conference
Published: 2017-09-04
SSF has the pleasure to invite you to a conference filled with interesting speakers and rewarding meetings. Listen to our key note speakers, starting with Dr. Walter Riess, the Head of the Science & Technology department at IBM Research. And be inspried by the presentations of eight framework grant projects supported by SSF.
When: September 7. 2017
Where: Elite Hotel Ideon, Scheelevägen 27, Lund
Read more and register at: http://strategiska.se/en/welcome-photonics-electronics-conference-september-7-2017/
When: | 2017-09-07 |
Lund Circuit Design Workshop 2017
Published: 2017-06-22
Welcome to the 2017 Lund Circuit Design Workshop
The workshop will offer an overview of research activities in IC design at Lund University. Additionally, invited presentations on related subjects will be given by outstanding experts from both academia and industry.
Invited speakers
- Bob Verbruggen, Xilinx
- Marian Verhelst, KU Leuven
- Heiner Linke, NanoLund
- Michal Stala, ARM
- Herbert Zirath, Chalmers
- Marianne Larsson, Innovation Skåne
The workshop is hosted by the VINNOVA Industrial Excellence Center in System Design on Silicon (SoS).
Cost: free of charge!
More information: http://cdworkshop.eit.lth.se
Registration: Please register no later than 13 August, 2017 at: http://cdworkshop.eit.lth.se/index.php?gpuid=305
Note: The SSF Photonics and Electronics Conference 2017 is held in Lund on September 7, directly after the circuit design workshop. You may also want to register for this free-of-charge event. For details, see: http://stratresearch.se/en/events/photonics-electronics-conference-2017/
When: | 2017-09-05 09:30 to 2017-09-06 15:00 |
Location: | Grand Hotell, Lund |
Contact: | Pia.Bruhn@eit.lth.se |
Category: | Konferens |
Seminar: Electronic, Thermal, and Unconventional Applications of 2D Materials
Published: 2017-08-17
When: August 18, 2017 at 13.15
Where: E:2349
Speaker: Eric Pop, Stanford University
Abstract: Two-dimensional (2D) materials have applications in low-power electronics and energy-conversion systems. These are also rich domains for both fundamental discoveries as well as technological advances. This talk will present recent highlights from our research on graphene, BN, and transition metal dichalcogenides (TMDs). We have studied graphene from basic transport measurements and simulations, to the recent wafer-scale demonstration of analog dot product nanofunctions for neural networks. We are also growing and evaluating the electrical, thermal, and thermoelectric properties of TMDs including MoS2, MoSe2, HfSe2, and WTe2. Recent results include low-resistance contacts, 10-nm scale transistors, and high-field transport studies including velocity saturation. We have also examined the anisotropic thermal conductivity of these materials, for unconventional applications to thermal switches and thermal routing. If time permits, I will also discuss nanoscale thermoelectric effects in transistors and phase-change memory (PCM), which could enable energy-efficient operation. Our studies reveal fundamental limits and new applications that could be achieved through the co-design and heterogeneous integration of 2D nanomaterials.
Bio: Eric Pop (epop@stanford.edu) is an Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering (EE) and Materials Science & Engineering (by courtesy) at Stanford University. He was previously on the faculty of the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (2007-13) and also worked at Intel (2005-07). His research interests are at the intersection of electronics, nanomaterials, and energy. He received his PhD in EE from Stanford (2005) and three degrees from MIT (MEng and BS in EE, BS in Physics). His honors include the 2010 PECASE from the White House, and Young Investigator Awards from the ONR, NSF CAREER, AFOSR, and DARPA. He is an IEEE Senior member, he served as the General Chair of the Device Research Conference (DRC), and on program committees of the VLSI, IRPS, MRS, IEDM, and APS conferences. In a past life, he was a DJ at KZSU 90.1 from 2001-04. Additional info about the Pop Lab is available online at poplab.stanford.edu.
When: | 2017-08-18 |
2017-06-19 Early summer IEEE CAMAD event hosted by EIT
Published: 2017-06-15
Date: June 19-21, 2017
Place: E:A, E:3139
More info on the event with detailed program can be found here.
When: | 2017-06-19 |
2017-06-16 PhD defense by Babak Mohammadi
Published: 2017-04-21
Date: June 16, 2017
Place: E 1406
Time: 10.15
Professor Snorre Aunet, Department of Electronics and Telecommunications, NTNU Trondheim
Professor Marian Verhelst, KU Leuven, Belgium
Professor Atila Alvandpour, Head of Integrated Circuits and Systems Division, Department of Electrical Engineering, Linköping University
Staff engineer Sylvain Clecrc, STMicroelectronics, Crolles, France.
Committee stand-in:
Professor Björn Landfeldt
When: | 2017-06-16 |
2017-06-13 Master Thesis presentation by Lasse Södergren
Published: 2017-06-08
Date: June 13, 2017
Time: 9.15
Place: E:2349
Title: Ballistic Modeling of Nanowire MOSFETs
In this thesis the performance limit of a tri-gate nanowire MOSFET has been explored. Performance metrics such as gm, gd and fT has been investigated with the help of a 1D non-parabolic ballistic transistor model. The non-parabolicityfactor is found from kp theory and helps to more accurately predict the behavior of electrons which are far from the bulk band edge in an effective mass model. The ballistic current is calculated from a top of the barrier modeled and the charges in the channel are evaluated by integration of density of states (DOS) multiplied by the Fermi-Dirac distribution. An attempt to approximate this calculation by shifting the Fermi level and take advantage of the fact that that the Fermi-Dirac distribution is a step function at 0 K is presented. Trans-capacitances such as Cgs and Cgd are evaluated and discussed for different approximations of the potential along the channel. Their dependence on dimensions such as nanowire width and gate length are also discussed. The model predicts non zero intrinsic capacitances even at zero gate bias because of charges present in the channel which are not apart of the current but has an influence on the capacitances. Finally the model is compared to some experimental data of a lateral InGaAs nanowire MOSFET.
When: | 2017-06-13 |
2017-06-12 Workshop "Energy Efficient Electronics and Applications and SoI-training"
Published: 2017-05-19
Date: June 12-14, 2017
Place: Ystad Saltsjöbad
This workshop is coorganized by EIT and Associate Professor Joachim Rodrigues is in charge from LU point of view. Other coorganizers are Andreas Burg (EPFL), Alexander Fish and Adi Teman (Bar-Ilan University). The event will take place in Ystad and attached to the workshop is also a 28 nm FD-SOI and Cadence training.
Workshop Focus
With increasing levels of integration, embedded microelectronic systems have turned into an indispensable part of our society. While some systems such as smart phones or tablets appear very prominently and participate directly in our daily lives, others remain silently in the background to provide for functions, such as health or environmental monitoring. What almost all of these systems have in common is that they earn most of their value from mobility and require independence from the mains. Hence, they are often powered either from batteries or even through energy harvesting. As such, they must operate in a regime, where mW or even uW of power consumption are necessary to meet user expectations on battery lifetime..
The objective of this workshop is to bring together experts, from both industry and academia, in system architecture, circuit design, and technology to discuss the challenges and the latest trends in the development of low-power and ultra-low-power embedded systems.
When: | 2017-06-12 |
2017-06-09 Master Thesis presentation by Daniel Lundell
Published: 2017-06-08
Date: Friday July 9:th
Time: 14:15
Place: E:3139
The work has been carried out at SenseFarm. The supervisers are Anders Hedberg (SenseFarm) and Emma Fitzgerald. The examiner is Christian Nyberg.
Ad-hoc network possibilities inside LoRaWAN
The Internet of Things (IOT) is a fast growing field with new actors constantly joining in. Locations such as farms or remote areas do not always have Internet coverage to access the IoT. This thesis looks at LoRaWAN as an IoT technology and ad-hoc networking to solve this problem. Existing ad-hoc routing protocols such as AODV, HWMP, and ZRP were studied. Based on the study they were evaluated as to how well they would fit into the LoRaWAN protocol. A simple solution based on HWMP and AODV was integrated with LoRaWAN. A testbed consisting of LoRaWAN devices was built to test the capabilities of the proposed solution. Receive windows of 2 seconds can be achieved with an ad-hoc LoRaWAN with a depth of 5-6 nodes. Successful routes dropped from 85% to 40% with a depth increase of 2 nodes. LoRaWANs 1% duty cycle limit can be broken with bigger networks. The thesis concludes that ad-hoc LoRaWAN based on HWMP and AODV might be possible given further research. The networks can be used to cover large remote areas with no Internet connection.
When: | 2017-06-09 |
2017-05-30 Master Thesis presentation by Alexander Najafi
Published: 2017-05-24
Date May 30, 2017
Time: 10:15
Place: E3139
Title: Mobile Devices In the Distributed IoT Platform Calvin
The master project has been performed at Ericsson Research.
Development towards a connected world where anything can talk to anything is ongoing. Calvin is a research project at Ericsson that simplifies the development of peer-to-peer applications for the Internet of Things. Calvin is created in order to let the developer of an application for the Internet of Things focus on the implementation instead of having to worry about underlying protocols, hardware access, security, application deployment, and application management. A Calvin application is defined by a dataflow graph where every node is a small reusable computational component called an Actor. The actors can move and be migrated to any connected unit during runtime which allows for complex applications to be created.
Mobile devices are computational powerful devices with a great number of sensors and has a lot of functionality through mobile device applications. The devices has traditionally only been used for configuration and control of Internet connected devices. This thesis successfully shows how mobile devices can be part of the distributed platform Calvin as any other device in the Internet of Things. The thesis proposes a general solution of how Calvin can make advantage of a mobile device at any time it is connected to the Internet. The thesis shows how mobile devices and third party applications on the device can share their capabilities in the Calvin platform with other connected devices. The thesis analyses the effect of the long term running Calvin runtime on a mobile device and shows that it is possible and feasible to use Calvin in Android without draining the device’s resources.
When: | 2017-05-30 |
2017-05-29 COST meeting in Lund
Published: 2017-05-08
May 29-31 EIT is organizing a COST meeting within the action IRACON http://www.iracon.org here in Lund.
It is a 3 day meeting with presentations, discussions etc within the area of the physical and networking layer, with applications in e.g. IoT, localization, radio access, Over-the-air testing. It is a very lean workshop, and is highly recommended if you are in the area. If you want to join you sign up by Wednesday at the latest (May 10) for a fee of 115 EUR including lunches, coffee and dinner. If you are a first time participant you have to register as a Lund participant first, before registering to the meeting. Paper presentations should be registered by Wednesday as well and the final paper is to be submitted by May 20. Note that the papers are not regarded as public, so it can be work in progress, submitted work or recently published work being presented.
Let Fredrik Tufvesson or Buon Kiong Lau (Vincent) know if you have any questions.
When: | 2017-05-29 |
2017-05-29 Master Thesis presentation by Henrik Felding
Published: 2017-05-23
Date: May 29, 2017
Time: 10:15
Place: E:2311
Title: "Automotive Test Advances Implications on ASIC production tests for Fingerprint Cards AB - new requirements and yield consequences."
The work has been conducted at Fingerprint Cards AB under supervision of Johan Hammersberg. Markus Törmänen has been the supervisor at EIT, and Pietro Andreani is the examiner.
The purpose of the thesis was to study the safety and reliability requirements in the automotive industry from a production test perspective. A survey of the requirements in the automotive standard AEC-Q100 was conducted and the implications of compliance with the requirements were analysed. In addition to this, production data was reanalysed considering the requirements found in the survey. From this, conclusions regarding the necessity of new tests, new design requirements and potential yield reduction were drawn.
When: | 2017-05-29 |
2017-05-12 PhD defense by Cezar Zota
Published: 2017-03-23
Date: May 12, 2017
Time: 10.15 -12.30
Place: E1406
When: | 2017-05-12 |
2017-05-11 Cake seminar
Published: 2017-04-24
Date: May 11, 2017
Time: 14.06
Place: E:1406
Title: “The software developer as the knowledge worker of tomorrow”
Lise Meitner professor "Margaret-Anne (Peggy) Storey is a Professor of Computer Science and the Director of the Software Engineering program at the University of Victoria on the West Coast of Canada. She holds a Canada Research Chair in Human and Social Aspects of Software Engineering. Her research goal is to understand how technology can help people explore, understand, and share complex information and knowledge. She evaluates and applies techniques from knowledge engineering, social software, and visual interface design to applications such as collaborative software development, program comprehension, biomedical ontology development, and learning in Web-based environments.
During her talk, she will give an overview of some of her recent projects, sharing how she uses mixed research methods to investigate how developers use tools such as social media and gamification to collaborate with one another."
When: | 2017-05-11 |
2017-05-10 Licentiate Thesis by Payam Amani
Published: 2017-04-05
Date: May 10, 2017
Time: 13.30
Place: E:3139, Institutionen för Elektro- och informationsteknik, E-huset, LTH
Title: Resource Management in Computing Systems
Special reviewer: Docent Javid Taheri, University of Karlstad
Supervisor: Universitetslektor Christian Nyberg, EIT
Examinator: Professor Ulf Körner, EIT
Resource management is an essential building block of any modern computer and communication network. In this thesis, the results of our research in the following two tracks are summarized in four papers.
The first track includes three papers and covers modeling, prediction and control for multi-tier computing systems. In the first paper, a NARX-based multi-step-ahead response time predictor for single server queuing systems is presented which can be applied to CPU-constrained computing systems. The second paper introduces a NARX-based multi-step-ahead query response time predictor for database servers. Both mentioned predictors can predict the dynamics of response times in the whole operation range particularly in high load scenarios without changes having to be applied to the current protocols and operating systems. In the third paper, queuing theory is used to model the dynamics of a database server. Several heuristics are presented to tune the parameters of the proposed model to the measured data from the database. Furthermore, an admission controller is presented, and its parameters are tuned to control the response time of queries which are sent to the database to stay below a pre-defined reference value.
The second track includes one paper, covering a problem formulation and optimal solution for a content replication problem in Telecom operator ’s content delivery networks (Telco-CDNs). The problem is formulated in the form of an integer programming problem trying to minimize the communication delay and cost according to several constraints such as limited content replication budget, limited storage size and limited downlink bandwidth of each regional content server. The solution of this problem is a performance bound for any distributed content replication algorithm which estimates the same problem.
When: | 2017-05-10 |
2017-05-09 Seminar by Andy Molisch
Published: 2017-05-09
Date: May 9, 2017
Time: 15.15 - 16.00
Place: E: 2349
We have Andy Molisch visiting us for a few days, and with a short notice I would like to invite you to an informal seminar about OTFS - Orthogonal Time Frequency Space, a transmission technology that Andy has been working on at the startup company Cohere Technologies during his sabbatical from USC.
When: | 2017-05-09 |
2017-04-26 Information meeting on project applications to the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
Published: 2017-03-23
Date: 26 April 2017
Time: 15.00 -17.00
Location: Pangea, Geologiska institutionen, Geocentrum II, Sölvegatan 12, Lund
Title: Information meeting on project applications to the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation
Organizers: LTH, Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Science and Research Services
When: | 2017-04-26 |
2017-04-26 Welcome to the ELLIIT workshop in Lund April 26-27
Published: 2017-04-10
More info on the ELLIIT workshop.
When: | 2017-04-26 |
2017-04-06 Tårtseminarium i E-huset 6/4 med Liesbet Van der Perre, Lise Meitner professor
Published: 2017-03-30
Titel: About setting up communication with bridges, and crossing them.
Tid: tor 6 april kl 14.06
Plats: E-huset LTH, E:1406
Välkommen till ett seminarium med professor Liesbet Van der Perre från KU Leuven i Belgien – under åren 2016-2019 verksam som Lise Meitner professor på institutionen för elektro- och informationsteknik (EIT). Van der Perre är en framstående expert inom trådlös kommunikation och samarbetar med EIT om framtidens 5G mobiltelefonsystem. Van der Perre utsågs även 2015 till hedersdoktor vid Lunds universitet.
Lise Meitner professuren är ett exempel på det arbete som ständigt pågår för att LTH skall attrahera de bästa talangerna och vara en plats för jämställdhet och mångfald. Genom denna gästprofessur bjuds en framstående forskare in till LTH för att under en tid bedriva sin forskning och fungera som förebild.
Professuren är uppkallad efter kärnfysikern Lise Meitner som var verksam när den fysikaliska vetenskapen revolutionerades. Ett långt samarbete mellan forskarna Otto Hahn och Lise Meitner ledde till upptäckten av fission (fission som i klyvningen av atomkärnor). 1944 skulle fissionsprocessen komma att belönas med Nobelpriset. Priset tilldelades endast Hahn och än idag råder delade meningar om varför Meitner inte fick dela detta pris och få samma erkännande.
When: | 2017-04-06 14:06 |
Location: | E-huset LTH, E:1406 |
2017-03-31 PhD Thesis defense by Hemanth Srinivas Prabhu
Published: 2017-02-22
Date: Mar 31, 2017
Time: 10.15
Place: E1406
When: | 2017-03-31 |
2017-03-24 PhD Thesis defense by Rakesh Gangarajaiah
Published: 2017-02-22
Date: Mar 24, 2017
Time: 10.15
Place: E1406
When: | 2017-03-24 |
2017-03-24 Master Thesis presentation by Yaqin Chen.
Published: 2017-03-23
Date: Friday March 24
Time: 9.15
Place: E:2349
Title: Evaluating Off-the-shelf Hardware for Indoor Positioning
Master Thesis presentation by Yaqin Chen.
Supervisors: Fredrik Tufvesson, Peyman Hamed Seyed Hosseini, Sigma Connectivity
Examiner: Fredrik Rusek
An indoor positioning system (IPS) is a system to locate objects in indoor environments using radio waves, magnetic fields, acoustic, optical and video signals or other sensory information with help of a number of known reference positions. Nowadays, indoor positioning based services are used in a wide variety of areas and indoor positioning is getting considerable attention from both research and industry. Building indoor positioning systems using off-the-shelf hardware can considerably reduce the cost of the system implementation.
In this master thesis, three kinds of off-the-shelf hardware based on Ultra-Wideband (UWB), WiFi and Bluetooth low energy (BLE) technology respectively are exploited to build up indoor positioning systems. Evaluation and comparison of these three systems are performed through a comprehensive study of the related theory, practical experiments and brief study of off-the-shelf hardware.
Commonly used radio positioning technologies and basic indoor positioning techniques are studied as the foundation of the practical experiments. Accuracy, power consumption, cost and ease of deployment are defined as criteria to evaluate and compare the three systems. A systematic method for deploying these three positioning systems for practical experiments is presented and discussed. A trilateration positioning algorithm is implemented for these three systems to estimate positions and compare accuracy. Results from experiments for both line of sight and none line of sight scenarios are given. Results from a brief study of off-the-shelf hardware for a rough qualitative comparison of power consumption and cost of these three evaluated hardware are presented. Furthermore, obstruction experiments were performed to observe influences of the obstacles on accuracy for these three hardware. Finally, suggestions on future work are provided.
The evaluation shows that the UWB hardware performs the best accuracy for indoor positioning, in centimeter order, but it costs more than the WiFi and BLE hardware. The BLE hardware provides worst indoor positioning accuracy, around 4.5 m in average. However, it is the cheapest and most power consumption efficient among these three evaluated hardware. The WiFi hardware is a kind of a trade-off between the UWB and BLE hardware in terms of indoor positioning, giving medium level accuracy, power consumption and cost. The BLE hardware is easier to deploy compared to the UWB and WiFi hardware as BLE devices are smaller size and able to be powered by coin batteries and thus can avoid external physical connections. However, the RSS-based BLE IPS need proper propagation model to estimate distances, which adds extra workload for the deployment compared to the UWB and WiFi IPSs. Obstruction experiments show that obstacles degrade ranging performance greatly for all of these three hardware and influence on the BLE hardware is the most severe.
When: | 2017-03-24 |
2017-03-17 PhD Thesis defense by Farrokh Ghani Zadegan
Published: 2017-02-22
Date: Mar 17, 2017
Time: 10.15
Place: E1406
When: | 2017-03-17 |
Occasion 2: Open lectures with information on The Conversation
Published: 2017-02-06
Date: Mar 02, 2017
Time: 09.00 - 10.00
Place: School of Economics and Management, Crafoordsalen, ground floor of the faculty building, Tycho Brahes väg 1, Lund
Presentation of a tool, The Conversation, for all researchers to publish popular science work under their own names.
When: | 2017-03-02 |
Occasion 1: Open lectures with information on The Conversation
Published: 2017-02-06
Date: Feb 27, 2017
Time: 15.00 - 16.00
Place: Palaestra (lower), Universitetsplatsen
Presentation of a tool, The Conversation, for all researchers to publish popular science work under their own names.
When: | 2017-02-27 |
2017-02-23 Presentation by Johan Lundgren
Published: 2017-02-22
Date: Thursday Feb 23
Time: 15.15
Place: E:2517
Johan Lundgren will present "Standards in Notation of Mathematics and Physics" where he will talk about how to properly use the most common symbols and quantities in a correct manner based on the not to well-known international standard, ISO-80000. He guarantees that no one follows this standard completely (yet (!)), and that everyone can improve their notation with some easy fixes.
Should this index be italic or roman?
Are units in Roman or italic?
How do I type constants correctly?
When: | 2017-02-23 |
2017-02-14 Licentiate presentation by Dimitrios Vlastaras
Published: 2017-01-17
Date: Feb 14, 2017
Time: 13.15
Place: E:2517
Opponent: Dr. Katsuyuki Haneda, Aalto University, Helsingfors, Finland.
Examinator: Doc. Anders J Johansson
Supervisor: Prof. Fredrik Tufvesson
Assistant supevisor: Prof. Ove Edfors
Title: Vehicular Communication in Obstructed and Non Line-of-Sight Scenarios
Since the invention of the first car available to masses, the 1908 Ford Model T, technology has advanced towards making car travel safer for occupants and bystanders. In recent years, wireless communication has been introduced in the vehicular industry as a means to avoid accidents and save lives.
Wireless communication may sometimes be challenging due to obstacles in the physical world that interact with wireless signals. Such obstacles may be dynamic, e.g. other vehicles in the traffic flow, or static, e.g. nearby buildings. Two scenarios are defined to describe those cases. The obstructed line-of-sight (OLOS) scenario is described as the case where a smaller obstacle, usually a vehicle, is placed in-between a transmitter and a receiver. This obstacle usually partially blocks communication and the receiver often moves in an out of the line-of-sight. The non line-of-sight (NLOS) scenario is described as the case where a larger obstacle completely blocks communication between a transmitter and a receiver. An example would be a building at an intersection which shadows the communication between two vehicles. In this thesis the OLOS and NLOS scenarios are investigated from different points of view.
In chapter 2, a road side unit (RSU) that has been constructed and evaluated for integrating older vehicles without wireless communication with newer vehicles using wireless communication is described. Older vehicles are being detected using a universal medium-range radar and their position and speed vectors are broadcasted wirelessly to newer vehicles. Tests have been performed by using the system in parallel with wireless enabled vehicles; by comparing the content in the messages obtained from both systems, the RSU has been found to perform adequately. Accuracy tests have been performed on the system and Kalman filtering has been applied to improve the accuracy even further.
Chapter 3 focuses on the OLOS scenario. A truck as an obstacle for wireless vehicular communication is being investigated. Real life measurements have been performed to characterize and model the wireless channel around the truck. The distance dependent path loss and additional shadowing loss due to the truck is analyzed through dynamic measurements. The large scale fading, delay and Doppler spreads are characterized as a measure of the channel dispersion in the time and frequency domains. It has been found that a truck as an obstacle reduces the received power by 12 and 13 dB on average in rural and highway scenarios, respectively. Also, the dispersion in time and frequency domains is highly increased when the line-of-sight is obstructed by the truck. A model for power contributions due to diffraction around the truck has also been proposed and evaluated using the previously mentioned real life measurements. It has been found that communication may actually be possible using solely diffraction around a truck as a propagation mechanism.
Finally, in chapter 4 a wireless channel emulator that has been constructed and evaluated is described. Modem manufacturers face a challenge when designing and implementing equipment for highly dynamic environments found in vehicular communication. For testing and evaluation real-life measurements with vehicles are required, which is often an expensive and slow process. The channel emulator proposed is designed and implemented using a software defined radio (SDR). The emulator together with the proposed test methodology enables quick on-bench evaluation of wireless modems. It may also be used to evaluate modem performance in different NLOS and OLOS scenarios.
When: | 2017-02-14 |