News archive, 2022
Get updated securely with Pegah!
Published: 2022-12-12
Downloading, preparing to install? we have all seen these messages when updating our various devices, but what is really happening? How do we make sure the update can be trusted? Pegah Nikbakht Bideh knows, and has developed methods improving the...
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What is your thesis about?
You may use various smart devices in your home, such as light bulbs, and cameras. These devices are usually connected to the Internet and you can connect to them through your smartphones, and control them. However, such devices might have security flaws that can cause attackers to attack and control them. Whenever new security flaws are discovered, manufacturers usually release new updates. Manufacturers are required to transfer and install such updates on the devices securely. However, performing secure updates over the air is challenging since such smart devices have limited resources. Enabling secure updates in smart devices over the air is the primary aspect of my thesis. The secure protocols used by powerful computers as a common language to talk to each other are unfit to address the requirements of smart devices. Hence, many other secure and lightweight protocols were designed for such devices. Manufacturers choose the best-suited protocol based on their devices? requirements. Sometimes some devices need to talk to other devices or systems that use other protocols. There are tools such as protocol translators that can enable such communications. Enabling secure protocol translation is another aspect of my thesis. The updates are usually targeting a large number of devices. Therefore, the devices can be grouped so that all group members can be updated at once instead of updating them one by one. In either group or one-to-one communication, the communication is secured through the use of secret keys. These secret keys must be distributed among the devices before the communication starts. Enabling secret key distribution for group or one-to-one communication is the final aspect of my thesis.
Smart devices are used in many areas such as smart cities, smart homes, and smart agriculture; it is important to update them regularly for security reasons or adding new features.
What is the most fascinating with your thesis subject?
The most interesting thing about the subject of thesis is that smart devices will become inseparable part of your life in near future and updating them in a secure and lightweight way will become more and more important.
How will your results be of use in the future?
I believe that even now my research results can be used in practice by companies that are searching for tools and methods to update their devices securely and efficiently.
What are your plans?
I?m joining CanaryBit after my PhD, it is a startup company working on confidential cloud computing. We believe virtualization of IoT device functionalities to the cloud will become more popular in near future, and my goal is to work more in this field in CanaryBit. Hopefully I will be able to use my PhD experience and knowledge there in practice.
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Sara makes communication dependable with Massive MIMO
Published: 2022-12-05
Do you need a reliable connection? Sara Willhammar knows how to do it: by using a lot of antennas, wireless connections can be established even in an industrial environment with much scattering and interference. On December 9 at 9.15 she defends her...
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What is your thesis about?
Wireless communication is constantly evolving, and new applications are being developed. With new applications, come new requirements, and to support this, new technologies are needed. One technology, which has been shown to improve communication, is massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). By increasing the number of antennas at the base station side, the system performance can be improved in several ways. In this thesis, the focus is on how massive MIMO can contribute to dependable communication in industrial automation and Internet-of-Things networks. Investigations concern the channel, i.e., the medium between transmitter and receiver, and how the channel behaves in different environments, frequency bands, and with various antenna array deployments.
Visualization of the channel hardening effect, meaning that the received signal varies less and hence, becomes more stable as the number of antennas increases.
What made you want to pursue a PhD?
I did my master?s thesis as an Erasmus traineeship at KU Leuven on a related topic. During that time, I was a part of the research group there and got first-hand experience with what it is like to research at a university. I liked the process and therefore I applied when a relevant position opened at LU. After getting accepted at LU, I applied to KU Leuven to do a double degree to keep the collaboration with KU Leuven and have internationalization as an integral part of my education.
How does it work to be a part of a double degree collaboration?
Being in this type of collaboration means that you to some extent need to comply with rules and regulations from both universities. For me, this meant that I had the opportunity to do research and work on my thesis for eight months at KU Leuven in Belgium and that I had a supervisor and research group at both universities. In my case, it has been one education and writing one thesis, leading to the two institutions are to reward me with corresponding degrees, in collaboration with the other partner institution.
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Sara makes communication dependable with Massive MIMO
Published: 2022-12-05
Do you need a reliable connection? Sara Willhammar knows how to do it: by using a lot of antennas, wireless connections can be established even in an industrial environment with much scattering and interference. On December 9 at 9.15 she defends her...
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What is your thesis about?
Wireless communication is constantly evolving, and new applications are being developed. With new applications, come new requirements, and to support this, new technologies are needed. One technology, which has been shown to improve communication, is massive multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO). By increasing the number of antennas at the base station side, the system performance can be improved in several ways. In this thesis, the focus is on how massive MIMO can contribute to dependable communication in industrial automation and Internet-of-Things networks. Investigations concern the channel, i.e., the medium between transmitter and receiver, and how the channel behaves in different environments, frequency bands, and with various antenna array deployments.
Visualization of the channel hardening effect, meaning that the received signal varies less and hence, becomes more stable as the number of antennas increases.
What made you want to pursue a PhD?
I did my master?s thesis as an Erasmus traineeship at KU Leuven on a related topic. During that time, I was a part of the research group there and got first-hand experience with what it is like to research at a university. I liked the process and therefore I applied when a relevant position opened at LU. After getting accepted at LU, I applied to KU Leuven to do a double degree to keep the collaboration with KU Leuven and have internationalization as an integral part of my education.
How does it work to be a part of a double degree collaboration?
Being in this type of collaboration means that you to some extent need to comply with rules and regulations from both universities. For me, this meant that I had the opportunity to do research and work on my thesis for eight months at KU Leuven in Belgium and that I had a supervisor and research group at both universities. In my case, it has been one education and writing one thesis, leading to the two institutions are to reward me with corresponding degrees, in collaboration with the other partner institution.
Link to the article Sara makes communication dependable with Massive MIMO
Umar investigates sparse codes for reliable communication
Published: 2022-11-21
Ever wondered how your precious data survive a noisy transmission with maintained quality? Muhammad Umar Farooq can tell you, and how current technologies can be improved.
On November 25 at 9.15 he defends his PhD thesis ?Sparse Codes on Graphs...
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The advancements and functionalities of present and future digital communication networks require reliable information exchange in every situation. The field of channel coding ensures this through channel codes that detect and correct errors, which occur during this exchange. Among these channel codes, the low-density parity-check (LDPC) codes, and turbo codes are widely used in the standards of wireless and satellite communication. This thesis is an attempt to gain a deeper understanding of the turbo-like codes (TCs), which are the extension of turbo codes, and their connection to the LDPC codes. The potential of these codes is demonstrated by measuring their performance through the computer simulations. These investigations lead to an introduction of a new class of codes, which is more powerful than the turbo codes in some performance aspects.
What made you want to pursue a PhD?
I have previously worked in 2G, 3G, and 4G RAN design and optimization. It was the curiosity to gain a deeper understanding of wireless communication that made me pursue a PhD. My interest in wireless communication goes back to the childhood times, when I was baffled with the working of satellite receivers and TV antennas.
What is the most fascinating with your thesis subject?
The subject of channel coding is vast and difficult, yet it is simple and elegant at the same time. It has plenty of surprises for the researchers.
What are your plans?
I will be joining Ericsson Lund after my PhD defence, and I am very excited to be part of the team working on concepts and network solutions of the next generation cellular systems.
Link to the article Umar investigates sparse codes for reliable communication
Working towards a semiconductor strategy for Sweden
Published: 2022-08-04
How should we collaborate on a national strategy for semiconductors? The answer could be closer than we think. After the panel discussion during ?Politics Week? in Almedalen, Lund University is now taking the first step towards establishing a...
How should we collaborate on a national strategy for semiconductors? The answer could be closer than we think. After the panel discussion during ?Politics Week? in Almedalen, Lund University is now taking the first step towards establishing a national competence centre for semiconductors.
Link to the article Working towards a semiconductor strategy for Sweden
Measurement campaign for multi-sensory positioning in Lund University Humanities Lab's motion capture studio
Published: 2022-05-16
Between 5th of May to 9th of May, researchers from departments of Electrical and Information Technology (EIT), Computer Science and Automatic Control and Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Lund University conducted an extensive measurement campaign...
Between 5th of May to 9th of May, researchers from departments of Electrical and Information Technology (EIT), Computer Science and Automatic Control and Centre for Mathematical Sciences in Lund University conducted an extensive measurement campaign in Lund University Humanities Lab's motion capture studio.
The measurement campaign was carried out to create a dataset that combines different sensors in the given environment to accurately position devices (~cm) in real-time. A robot was equipped with a camera, a speaker, and a radio user equipment (which can transmit and receive signals from the EIT department's own massive MIMO base station, LuMaMi) and programmed to move in different trajectories.
The dataset will be used to develop hardware friendly positioning algorithms that fuses the information from vision, audio, and wireless sensors. The motion capture system is used to track the robot and the equipment on top, which will be used to verify the results obtained by the new positioning algorithms.
Overall, the dataset will contribute to in depth understanding and further development of AI/Machine learning and 6G applications.
Contributors: Ilayda Yaman, Guoda Tian, Henrik Garde, Martin Larsson, Patrik Persson, Michiel Sandra, Alexander Dürr, Erik Tegler, Nikhil Challa, Sirvan Abdollah Poor, Steffen Malkowsky, Ove Edfors, Karl Åström, Fredrik Tufvesson, Volker Kruger, Anders Robertsson, Liang Liu.
Text & contact: Ilayda Yaman
Link to the article Measurement campaign for multi-sensory positioning in Lund University Humanities Lab's motion capture studio Nanoeletronikprofessor: ?Sverige kan ge ledande bidrag till kommande halvledarteknologier?
Published: 2022-02-17
I Lund finns världsledande forskning inom både kretsdesign, nya material och algoritmer som utnyttjar egenskaperna för halvledarkomponenter. Här finns dessutom en stark infrastruktur för både grundforskning och nya innovationer, tillsammans med ett...
Link to the article Nanoeletronikprofessor: ?Sverige kan ge ledande bidrag till kommande halvledarteknologier? Debatt: Sverige måste satsa på utveckling av nya halvledare
Published: 2022-02-16
Utan effektiva, energisnåla och specialanpassade chip riskerar både digitaliseringen och de energibesparingar som krävs för en grön omställning att undergrävas eller utebli. Sverige måste engagera sig i samarbeten om halvledarteknologi, skriver Erik...
Link to the article Debatt: Sverige måste satsa på utveckling av nya halvledare