News archive, 2008
Two new SSF-grants to EIT
Published: 2008-12-23
Two out of 15 new grants in SSF's (the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research) investment "Strategic Mobility" went to EIT! Daniel Sjöberg has received SEK 930,000 for working with Saab Bofors Dynamics on analysing electromagnetic material properties. Anders Karlsson will receive SEK 649,000 to develop systems for mine sweepers in a collaboration with Kockums.
New Degree Projects
Published: 2008-12-18
Some new projects announced.
Axis utlyser pris för bästa examensarbete
Published: 2008-12-08
Axis Communications AB utlyser återigen priset för bästa examensarbete inom området "networked vision". Tävlingen är öppen för alla studenter vid LTH som gjort examensarbete, godkänt 2007-02-28 eller senare, inom området. Institutioner såväl som studenter kan nominera examensarbeten.
WANTED: Project Supervisor
Published: 2008-12-08
In the course Advanced Telecommunication there are open positions as project supervisors. Experience in Java programming, specific Java Mobility also known as J2ME, and some knowledge in real time programming is required. Contact prof Ulf Körner or Jens A Andersson for more information.
New publication: "IP operations and management"
Published: 2008-10-15
Reference: N. Akar, M. Pioro, C. Skianis:
IP operations and management
Lecture notes in computer science, 8th IEEE international workshop, IPOM 2008,Vol. 5275,ISSN 0302-9743, Springer, 2008-09-22/2008-09-26.
New publication: "Low-latency parallel transport in anonymous peer-to-peer overlays"
Published: 2008-10-15
Reference: I. Margasinski, M. Pioro:
Low-latency parallel transport in anonymous peer-to-peer overlays
IP operations and management / Lecture notes in computer science, 8th IEEE international workshop, IPOM 2008, Samos Island, Greece,Vol. 5275, pp. 127-141, 2008-09-22/2008-09-26.
Abstract: The paper presents a design and discusses configuration aspects of an overlay transport protocol based on an idea of the peer-to-peer direct and anonymous distribution overlay (P2PRIV). We estimate a secure configuration of the protocol and examine a correlation between the P2PRIV?s anonymous path lengths and latency. An increase of the path lengths speaks strongly in favor of the parallel solution?s anonymity, as in classical cascade networks. In the paper we evaluate the new protocol in a scope of a trade-off between anonymity and traffic performance and show that the presented solution allows effectively increasing anonymity with relatively low impact on anonymous transport latency.
Best Student Paper
Published: 2008-09-01
The EIT researchers Christian Sohl, Mats Gustafsson, and Anders Bernland were awarded the “Commision B Best Student Paper Prize” at the URSI General Assembly in Chicago, USA, August 7-16. The awarded paper is entitled “Some paradoxes associated with a recent summation rule in scattering theory” and it was presented at the conference by the first author.
Ericsson EMP and ST-NXP Wireless plan for joint venture
Published: 2008-08-20
STMicroelectronics and Ericsson have today agreed to create a joint venture geby combining Ericsson Mobile Platforms and ST-NXP Wireless
Maria Kihl får Linné-pengar
Published: 2008-06-18
Maria Kihl deltar i en forskargrupp med forskare framförallt från Reglerteknik som får Linnéstöd. De tio forskarna delar på 75 miljoner kronor under tio år.
2008-06-13: Exjobbspresentation
Published: 2008-06-13
Patricia Grande Gonzalez och Thomas Gros Vidal redovisar sitt examensarbete: "Performance of MIMO systems" fredagen den 13/6, kl. 11.15 i E:3139 på inst. för elektro- och informationsteknik.
2008-05-21: Nya modeller för kryptering gör datakommunikationen effektivare
Published: 2008-05-21
Om datainformation inte ska kunna avlyssnas av obehöriga måste den krypteras. Utmaningen för branschen idag är att göra krypteringen tillräckligt säker samtidigt som den bör vara snabb, billig och ta lite plats i t ex mobiltelefoner och andra begränsade miljöer. De senaste fem åren har de 15-20 främsta universiteten i Europa och lika många företag arbetat med att ta fram nya, effektivare kryptolösningar. Forskningen, som bedrivits inom ramen för ett EU-finansierat network of excellence har resulterat i att åtta nya s k strömchiffer valts ut, fyra för hårdvara och fyra för mjukvara.
För mer information, kontakta Thomas Johansson, professor, Elektro- och informationsteknik, 046-222 31 82, eller Martin Hell, forskarassistent, Elektro- och informationsteknik, 046-222 33 89, 0702-628 376,
Lise Meitner-professur 2011 till EIT
Published: 2008-05-13
Prof. Irina Bocharova är tilldela Lise Meitner-professuren 1 januari - 30 juni 2011 för att arbeta vid EIT. Inbjudare är Rolf Johannesson.
Lars G Olsson får Hans-Uno Bengtsson-stipendiet
Published: 2008-05-12
Lars G Olsson, lektor vid EIT, är årets mottgare av Folkuniversitetets stipendium till Hans-Uno Bengtssons minne. Stipendiet delas ut den 12/5 klockan 12 i Botaniska trädgården i Lund.
30-5-2008: Professor Ernst Bonek: On MIMO Channel Models for LTE
Published: 2008-05-09
Professor Ernst Bonek, Honoris Causa, will give a seminar in conjunction with the conferment of the doctors' degree. The seminar is arranged by the Department for Electrical and Information Technology.
Title: On MIMO Channel Models for LTE
Location: E:1406 (E-huset LTH)
Time: 30th of May at 9.15
Finally, 3gpp has given up their reluctance against MIMO. Plans now aim for a 4x4 MIMO to achieve an unprecedented 300 Mbit/s per cell. How to achieve such high data rates by spatial multiplexing in truly mobile scenarios, besides transmit diversity, does not seem to be finalized yet.
One shortcoming, obvious to some but not to everyone in standardization, is the lack of MIMO channel models that accommodate moving users easily. To simulate the ensuing smoothly time-variant channel by non-deterministic, so-called stochastic channel models is not standard practice.
I will present the work of my PhD Nicolai Czink, who developed exactly what is needed: a stochastic time-variant, frequency-selective, propagation-based MIMO channel model that is directly parameterized from measurements. The novel approach of this Random Cluster Model (RCM) is to describe the geometry of the channel completely by statistical cluster parameters. Clusters provide a compact way of describing the underlying propagation environment, without resorting to individual multipath components, thus reducing the number of parameters considrably. An essential innovation was an automatic clustering algorithm, allowing to process multi-gigabyte measurement data without user intervention. I will describe key features of the RCM and its validation by metrics like mutual information, Diversity Measure, and a new environmental characterization metric describing the compactness and directivity of the channel.
For more stationary channels, for which an exchange of channel-state information between transmitter and receiver in closed loop is easier, pre-determined MIMO matrices are under consideration. For these, I am glad to offer the Weichselberger model that captures the spatial structure of a MIMO channel by a particularly convenient way, the eigenmodes of the correlation matrix (see seminar at CCCD in Lund 2004).
Open Position Doctoral Student in Radio Systems
Published: 2008-04-25
Lund University invites applications for the following position:
Doctoral student in Radio Systems
Reference number: PA 2008/1442
Last day for applying: 2008-05-16
For further information please contact: Professor Ove Edfors, +46 46 222 9026,
Your application should contain the following documents:
-Letter of application including the correct reference number, PA 2008/1442, for the position. (The application should be written in Swedish or English.)
-Curriculum Vitae
-Copies of certificates and copies of any other document that you wish to include in your application.
-All copies should be attested.
The application should be addressed to the Faculty of Engineering and sent to: Registry Office, Lund University, P.O. Box 117, SE-221 00 LUND.
See also
Open Position Doctoral Student in Circuit Design
Published: 2008-04-23
Lund University invites applications for the following position:
Doctoral student inCircuit Design
Reference number: PA 2008/1441
Last day for applying: 2008-05-14
For further information please contact: Docent Viktor Öwall, 046 222 9469,
Your application should contain the following documents:
-Letter of application including the correct reference number, PA 2008/1442, for the position. (The application should be written in Swedish or English.)
-Curriculum Vitae
-Copies of certificates and copies of any other document that you wish to include in your application.
-All copies should be attested.
The application should be addressed to the Faculty of Engineering and sent to: Registry Office, Lund University, P.O. Box 117, SE-221 00 LUND.
See also
Första transistorn utvecklad med nanoteknik
Published: 2008-04-23
Nu har forskare utvecklat en ny typ av transistor som är 50 gånger energieffektivare än dagens modeller. Den är även den första som utvecklad med nanoteknik. I det senaste numret av ”Electron Device Letters” beskrivs den nya transistorn.
30-4-2008: Mini-course: Topics in Multi-User Information Theory
Published: 2008-04-23
Gerhard Kramer, Bell Labs, Alcatel Lucent is back in Lund for another six weeks visit. This time Gerhard will lecture on multi-user information theory.
Course Title: Topics in Multi-User Information Theory
Abstract: The course will expose the student to the methods of multi-user information theory, including random coding, superposition coding, binning, and outer bounding techniques and tricks. The course builds this knowledge by considering several channel models: point-to-point channels, multi-access channels, broadcast channels, relay channels, and interference channels.
- Knowledge of basic information theory, including entropy, mutual information, informational divergence, etc.
- Notation, Typical Sequences and Sets
- Capacity-Cost Theory
Lecture 2: Multi-Access Channels
- Channel Model and Capacity Region
- Decoding: Joint, Interference Cancellation, Iterative
Lecture 3: Broadcast Channels 1
- Channel Model and the Common-Rate Capacity
- Gel’fand-Pinsker Problem and Writing on Dirty Paper
Lecture 4: Broadcast Channels 2
- Binning and Superposition Coding
- Capacity Outer Bounds
Lecture 5: Relay Channels
- Model and Amplify-and-Forward
- Block-Markov Coding: Decode-and-Forward and Compress-and-Forward
Lecture 6: Interference Channels
- Model and the Han-Kobayashi Region
- Genie-Aided Capacity Outer Bounds
The first lecture will take place on Wednesday April 30, 10.15-12.00, in E2311 (Orangeriet).
For more information contact Rolf Johannesson.
15-4-2008: EIT Course Service Desk opens
Published: 2008-04-14
EIT's Student Service Desk opens on the 15 of April. All students are adviced to find information about courses etc here. The Service Desk is open 09.45 -- 13.15 weekdays.
11-4-2008: SSF gives two large grants to electronic research at EIT
Published: 2008-04-11
Two large grants from Swedish Foundation for Strategic Research (SSF) are given to Henrik Sjöland and Lars-Erik Wernersson. Thye will get 22.4 MSEK and 24 MSEK respectivly over five years.
The GNU radio - Summer internship at EIT, for two students
Published: 2008-04-11
At the department we will have a joint project between research groups to learn more about the GNU radio. With financial support from Communications Technology Lund ( we are now offering a summer internship for two students that want to study the technique more in detail, to program the device and set up a basic test link for data transmission and reception in the 2.4 GHz band.
GNU Radio, From Wikipedia:
GNU Radio is a free software toolkit for learning about, building, and deploying Software Defined Radios. Started in 1998, GNU Radio is now an official GNU project. GNU Radio is a signal processing package, which is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License. The goal is to give ordinary software people the ability to 'hack' the electromagnetic spectrum, that is, to understand the radio spectrum and think of clever ways to use it. As with all software-defined radio systems, reconfigurability is the key feature. Instead of purchasing multiple expensive radios, a single more generic radio is purchased, which feeds into powerful signal processing software (GNU Radio, in this case). Currently only a few forms of radio are duplicated in GNU Radio, but if one understands the math of a radio transmission system, one can reconfigure GNU Radio to receive it.
The GNU Radio project created the Universal Software Radio Peripheral (USRP, [1]) which is a digital acquisition (DAQ) system containing four 64 mega sample-per-second (MS/s) 12-bit analog-to-digital (A to D) converters, four 128 MS/s 14-bit digital-to-analog (D to A) converters, and support circuitry including a high-speed USB 2.0 interface. The USRP is capable of processing signals up to 16 MHz wide. Several transmitter and receiver plug-in daughter boards are available covering various bands between 0 and 2.9 GHz [2]. The USRP was developed by Matt Ettus. For further information, see e.g.
The internship has a duration of 2-3 months (to be decided together with the students) and the department offers a monthly stipend of 8000 kr /student. It is suitable for two students that has some programming experience and with knowledge within radio and digital communication. Prior hardware experience is also qualifying.
If you would like to know more about the internship contact Fredrik Tufvesson (office E:2371, email: Technical details can be answered by Johan Löfgren (office E:2335, email: who will supervise the project together with Peter Hammarberg (email: and Martin Hell (email: Applications, including a cover letter saying why you are interested and qualified for the internship, a course list with grades from both your Master’s degree and Bachelor degree and a CV should be sent to Fredrik Tufvesson, (office E:2371, email:, no later than April 22, 2008.
2008-04-10: Nytt exjobb: BACnet
Published: 2008-04-10
AB Regin söker intresserade till ett examensarbete inom datorkommunikation/BACnet.
Two new Degree Projects
Published: 2008-04-07
Two Degree Projects on Acreo AB in Stockholm are announced. The projects concerns analysis of Internet traffic.
CELTIC-projekt TRAMMS konsortiummöte 2008-04-01--02
Published: 2008-03-25
Broadband Communications CELTIC-projekt TRAMMS (Traffic Measurements and Models in Multi-Service Networks) med partners från Sverige, Spanien, Ungern och Serbien kommer att ha konsortiummöte här på EIT nästa vecka 1-2/4. Mötet kommer huvudsakligen att hållas i E:1426.
Nytt examensarbete på Dresser-Wayne
Published: 2008-02-14
Examensarbetet består i att utveckla metod för fjärravläsning av data i drivmedelsmätare. Fastställa lämplig teknologi som kan integreras mot befintlig mätarelektronik och fastsälla dataformat/applikationsprotokoll, begränsningar, risker och kostnader samt ta fram fungerande prototyp (HW och SW).
Teorelgruppen får anslag från SSF
Published: 2008-02-12
För att stimulera till ökad personrörlighet mellan högskolan och näringslivet har SSF avsatt 30 milj kr för utbytestjänstgöring under perioden 2008 – 2010. Teorelgruppen har fått två sådana anslag. Christer Larsson, som redan är adjungerad professor i gruppen, och Anders Höök, på Saab MicroWave i Mölndal, fick båda anslag från SSF för att arbeta med oss (de enda till LU). Detta stärker ytterligare gruppens företagskontakter.
New Master Thesis on Dresser Wayne
Published: 2008-02-08
Is it possible to make the communication between the components of a propelant pump wireless? Solve the problem in this Master Thesis.
Contact Jens Andersson, EIT.
Suleyman Malki, EIT, VC Research Challenge nominee
Published: 2008-01-30
Venture Cup research competition is now settled. Among many contributing high quality entries Suleyman Malki's “CNN Biometrics” was one of the four nominees.
International postgraduate course on integrated wireless transceivers
Published: 2008-01-16
A new PhD course on integrated wireless transceivers will start in February. It is a joint course between universities in Sweden, Finland, Denmark and Norway.
A short abstracts of the lectures together with the schedule is found is found below. If you think it looks interesting you are most welcome to attend the course. It is also possible to attend the just lectures.
Some details like number of credit points and hand in exercises have not been decided yet, but I wanted to inform you now so you can mark this in your calendars.
The room will be E:2349, I hope to see you there!