Schedule 2011.
WEEK 1, October 24-28
- Tuesday Intro and Digital Signal Processing basics
- Thursday Computanional Platforms, Numbering Systems, Basic Building Blocks and Chapter 11: Scaling and Round-off Noise
WEEK 2, October 31-November 4
- Tuesday Chapter 2: Graphical representation and Iteration Bounds
- Thursday Chapter 3: Pipelining and Parallel Processing
WEEK 3, November 7-11
- Computer Labs.
- Tuesday Chapter 4: Retiming
- Thursday Chapter 5: Unfolding
WEEK 4, November 14-18
- Presentation of 1st Homework Assignments
- Tuesday Invited Lecture: Anders Berkeman, ExpertMaker
- Thursday Chapter 6: Folding
WEEK 5, November 21-25
- Tuesday Case studies: UMTS filter and FFT
- Thursday Chapter 9: Algorithm Strength Reduction (Peter Nilsson)
WEEK 6, November 28 - December 2
- Presentation of 2nd Homework Assignments.
- Computer Lab 2; CatapultC part 1 (Signing up is open)
- Tuesday Case study: Memory Considerations and Image processing
- Thursday Invited Lecture: Matthias Kamuf, Ericsson Research
WEEK 7, December 5-9
- Computer Lab 3; CatapultC part 2 (Signing up is open)
- Tuesday Reconfigurable Computing (Chenxin Zhang)
Ongoing Research Projects at EIT. - Thursday Invited Lecture: Implementation on Standard DSPs, Per Ljungberg, ST Ericsson.
(PDF slides from the author of the book can be found here.)