3GEP (3G Emulation Project)
General information
A general time table for the 3GEP is found here.
Groupings for 3GEP. Your common areas for the groups are called //tiger/eit09xx (where xx=group number 01-10). In this area everybody in the group could access the groups project files.
The program "should" work in the following computer rooms: Uranus, Neptunus, Pluto, Saturnus and Elg-kalv.
All correspondence regarding 3GEP through 3gep "at"
Slides from the Introduction Lecture.
Question hours
Week 6
Tuesday 1/12 kl 17-19
Thursday 3/12 kl 17-19
You will find the project supervisor in his room E:3129A. You need to go to the 3rd floor in the southern stair case of the main building and knock on the door. His room is just inside the glass doors.
Upcoming deadlines
Now Sign up for the SDT Laboratory Session
Nov 2 Answers to Study Questions
Nov 4 Project Plan
Nov 13 Test Case document
Nov 15 Book time for Evaluation Meeting (only one per group signs up!)
Dec 4 Final Report and Program code
Dec 6 Book time for Final Presentation (only one per group signs up!)
The following documents describe the programming environment and the project:
Introduction to Telelogic Tau SDL Suite
SMS Assignment (including Study Questions)
Getting started with the 3GEP project
Requirements for the Project Plan
Here you find the Project Code Template
Here you find the instructions How to print out the code pages from SDT
There is one compulsory laboratory session introducing the programming language SDL. To sign up go to the "Sign up" page..
The Laboratory Manual.