// Sensor holder for arduino ultrasonic radar // Daniel Sjoberg, 2017-12-29 include HoleShort = 3.0 + 0.4; // Short dimension of the motor pin hole HoleLong = 5.0 + 0.4; // Long dimension of the motor pin hole HoleDepth = 10.0; // Depth of motor pin hole BigHoleRadius = HoleLong/2; // Radius of bottom circular hole BigHoleDepth = 3.0; // Depth of bottom circular hole HolderWidth = 14.0; // Width of holder pin HolderLength = 30.0; // Length of holder pin // Printing settings $fa = 1; $fs = 0.5; union() { translate([-sensorW/2, 0, 0]) mount(); translate([0, -HolderLength-2, 5]) rotate(a=-90, v=[1, 0, 0]) difference() { translate([-HolderWidth/2, -HolderWidth/2, 0]) cube([HolderWidth, HolderWidth, HolderLength]); union() { translate([-HoleShort/2, -(HoleLong-HoleShort)/2, 0]) cube([HoleShort, HoleLong-HoleShort, HoleDepth]); translate([0, (HoleLong-HoleShort)/2, 0]) cylinder(r=HoleShort/2, h=HoleDepth); translate([0, -(HoleLong-HoleShort)/2, 0]) cylinder(r=HoleShort/2, h=HoleDepth); translate([0, 0, -0.1]) cylinder(r=BigHoleRadius, h=BigHoleDepth+0.1); } } // difference() { // translate([HoleOffset, 0, BaseplateLz/2]) cube([BaseplateLx, BaseplateLy, BaseplateLz], center=true); // translate([0, 0, HoleDepth/2]) cube([HoleShort, HoleLong-HoleShort, HoleDepth], center=true); // translate([0, (HoleLong-HoleShort)/2, 0]) cylinder(h=HoleDepth, r=HoleShort/2, $fn=20); // translate([0, -(HoleLong-HoleShort)/2, 0]) cylinder(h=HoleDepth, r=HoleShort/2, $fn=20); // } // translate([HoleOffset+BaseplateLx/2, 0, HolderLz/2]) cube([HolderLx, HolderLy, HolderLz], center=true); }