Mentor Graphics

The tools from Mentor Graphics are usually ran in conjunction with some design kit.
Check these for instructions.

Questa Sim v10  

The vhdl and verilog simulator, formerly known as ModelSim, can be initialized and started
free of any design kit by the following procedure

>  source /usr/local-eit/cad2/mentor/qsim10/setup

On the computers in the laboratory room unse the command 'inittde qsim10' instead.

Manuals can be accessed from within the tool or directly read from



The high level synthesis program for c/c++ and SystemC is now part of
the Mentor Graphics portfolio.

The version 10.0a can be run (catapult) after doing the setup by

> source /usr/local-eit/cad2/mentor/cat100a/setup

or 'inittde cat100' from the lab computors.

Calypto Catapult v8.0

> source /usr/local-eit/cad2/mentor/cat80/setup

From the lab computers use 'inittde cat80' .

Start with 'catapult' .