Mats Gustafsson, Professor
My research interests are in scattering theory, antenna theory, electromagnetic modeling, and inverse scattering and imaging with applications in non-destructive testing, digital holography, and microwave tomography.
- CIRM 2022: Bandwidth bounds based on Herglotz-Nevanlinna functions and optimization
- BIRS 2019: Herglotz functions and optimization-based bounds on electromagnetic systems
- EuCAP 2017:
- EMTS 2016:
Some presentations:
- APS 2024: Fundamental Limits on Capacity and Degrees of Freedom for Arbitrary Shapes
- URSIGASS 2023: Scattering Matrix Formulation for Substructure Characteristic Mode Analysis
- NDE/NDT Methodologies and Applications 2023
- Metamaterials 2020: Fundamental Limitations on Absorption and Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves
- APS 2019: Completeness of the Characteristic Mode Expansion
- APS 2018: Trade-off between Q-factor and efficiency for small antennas
- APS 2018: EM Modes for Model Order Reduction and Antenna Optimization
- APS 2017: Physical bounds on the MIMO capacity for small antennas
- IML 2017: Herglotz functions, sum rules, and fundamental limitations on electromagnetic systems
- Seoul 2017: Small antennas and Near-field Imaging
- EuCAP 2017: Minimum Q-factors for Antennas
- EMTS 2016: Stored Energy and Antenna Current Optimization
- iWAT 2016: Antenna current optimization and physical bounds for small antennas
- IEEE-DL 2015: Convex Optimization for Optimal Design and Analysis of Small Antennas
- EuCAP 2015, Stored EM energy.
- UT, UH, 2014, Sum Rules and Physical Bounds in Electromagnetics
- UT, GT, UCF, EPFL, and Chuo U. 2014, Convex Optimization for Optimal Design and Analysis of Small Antennas
- PIERS 2014, An overview of current optimization and physical bounds on antennas
- URSI-GASS 2014, Stored energy and current optimization
- ICEAA 2014, An overview of stored electromagnetic energy
- Short course on current optimization, Aruba 2014.
- IEEE DL 2014: Convex Optimization for Optimal Design and Analysis of Small Antennas
- FF-2013: Mathematical modeling of causal signals and passive systems in electromagnetics
- IEEE-APS2013: Efficiency and Q for small antennas using Pareto optimality.
- IEEE-APS2012: Physical bounds on small antennas as convex optimization problems.
- LAPC2011: Physical bounds on antennas of arbitrary shape.
- Metamaterials 2011: Sum rules and physical limitations for passive metamaterials.
- ICEAA 2011: On the extraordinary transmission through sub-wavelength apertures in perfectly conducting sheets