Gerhard Kristensson, Professor emeritus
- 1983, Docent in Theoretical Physics, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Göteborg, Sweden
- 1979, Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, University of Göteborg, Sweden. Title of the thesis: Scattering of stationary waves from buried three-dimensional inhomogeneities
- 1973, B.S. in Mathematics and Physics, University of Göteborg, Sweden
- 2015-, Professor emeritus, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
- 1989-2014, Professor (chair) in Electromagnetic Theory, Lund University, Lund, Sweden
- 1986-1989, Docent at the Department of Electromagnetic Theory, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
- 1984-1986, Visiting Scientist at Applied Mathematical Sciences, Ames Laboratory, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, USA
- 1980-1984, Post-doctoral Research Associate, supported by the National Swedish Board for Technical Development (STU)
- 1980-1984, Lecturer, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Göteborg, Sweden
- 1977-1979, Research Assistant, sponsored by the National Swedish Board for Technical Development (STU)
- 1975-1977, Scholarship from the Institute of Applied Mathematics (ITM)
- 1973-1975, Teaching Assistant, Chalmers University of Technology and University of Göteborg, Sweden
Note: Docent is both a title and a position. The title is usually given 3-4 years after the Ph.D. degree to a person that has shown qualified independent research. The position as a Docent is not automatically given.
Honors and Awards
- 1975-1977, Scholarship from the Institute of Applied Mathematics (ITM)
- 1988, Best teacher of the year at the School of Electrical Engineering at the Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden
- 1991-, Listed in Who's Who in the World
- 1992, Visiting Erskine Fellowship, Department of Mathematics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
- 1993, Best teacher of the year at the School of Engineering Physics at the Lund Institute of Technology, Lund, Sweden
- 1993-, Listed in Who's Who in Electromagnetics
- 1993-, Fellow of the ElectroMagnetics Academy
- 1995-, Listed in European Biographical Directory
- 1997, Visiting Erskine Fellowship, Department of Mathematics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
- 1999-2004, Chartered Physicist, Institute of Physics, UK
- 2004-, Fellow, Institute of Physics, UK
- 2007, Medal (Förtjänstmedalj), Växjö University
- 2007, Visiting Erskine Fellowship, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand
- 2007, Best Antenna Poster Prize at EuCAP 2007, Edinburgh, Scotland
- 2008-, Member of the Kungl. Fysiografiska Sällskapet i Lund
- 2010, Schelkunoff Prize Paper Award. Title of the paper: Illustrations of new physical bounds on linearly polarized antennas, IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 57, no. 5, pp. 1319-1327, May 2009, (IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society)
- 2014, Promotor for the Engineering Faculty at the Promovation Cermony at Lund University
- 2014, Best paper in session, AMTA2014, Vancouver, BC, Canada. Title of the paper: Source reconstruction for Radome Diagnostics
- 2015-, Honorary member of SNRV (Swedish National Committee of Radio Science)
- 2015, Visiting scientist, Department of Mathematics, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, USA
Invited addresses
- 1981, Open Symposium on Mathematical Models of Radio Propagation, XXth General Assembly of the URSI, Washington DC, USA. Session: Multiple and particulate scattering. Title of the talk: Scattering from geophysical targets by means of the T-matrix approach - a review of some recent results
- 1981, XXth General Assembly of the URSI, Washington DC, USA. Session: Numerical methods. Title of the talk: Computational aspects of the T-matrix approach
- 1984, Invited paper to special issue of IEEE Transaction of Geoscience and Remote Sensing. Title of the paper: Influence of inhomogeneities in a stratified ground on the field of a circular loop antenna
- 1984, XXIth General Assembly of the URSI, Florence, Italy. Session: Scattering and radiation by objects near media interfaces. Title of the talk: Electromagnetic scattering from obstacles imbedded in a layered half space
- 1985, Schlumberger-Doll Research, Ridgefield, Connecticut, USA. Title of the talk: Time harmonic electromagnetic scattering from obstacles below the ground
- 1985, McDonnell Douglas Research Laboratories, St. Louis, Missouri, USA. Title of the talk: One-dimensional inverse scattering problems in the time-domain
- 1985, Physics colloquium, Department of Physics, University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA. Title of the talk: Scattering of waves in classical physics
- 1985, AMS meeting at the University of Missouri, Columbia, Missouri, USA. Session: Special session on inverse scattering theory. Title of the talk: Direct and inverse scattering in the time domain for a dissipative wave equation. I--II
- 1988, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA. Title of the talk: Wave-splitting techniques to solve the direct and inverse scattering problem in the time domain
- 1988, XIV Convention of Radio Science, Espoo, Finland. Title of the talk: Some current projects on direct and inverse scattering at the Department of Electromagnetic Theory at the Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden, Part I-II
- 1989, Department of Electrical Engineering, Bergische Universität, Wuppertal, FRG. Title of the talk: Direct and Inverse Scattering using Time Domain Techniques
- 1989, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, Germany. Title of the talk: Inverse scattering problems in dispersive media. Green's functions and invariant imbedding techniques
- 1990, AMS/SIAM conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Title of the talk: Recent developments in time domain inverse scattering theory using invariant imbedding techniques
- 1990, Svenska Fysikersamfundet (The Swedish Physical Society), Section: Mathematical Physics, Lund. Title of the talk: Direct and inverse scattering techniques for transient electromagnetic waves
- 1990, Electromagnetics Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland. Title of the talk: Reconstruction of dispersion from transient electromagnetic response
- 1990, Department of Mathematics, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland. Title of the talk: Inverse scattering for transient waves
- 1991, PIERS'91, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. Title of the talk: Transient Scattering in Bi-isotropic Media
- 1991, ICIAM 91 conference in Washington DC, USA. Title of the talk: Inverse Scattering Problems of Electromagnetic Waves in Bi-Isotropic Media using Time Domain Techniques
- 1991, Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, USA, Title of the talk: Scattering of Electromagnetic Waves in Dissipative and Dispersive Media
- 1991, Conference on FEM, BEM and PDE for Applications and Industry in Linköping. Title of the talk: Wave splitting - A tool to solve PDE
- 1992, The Lapland Conference on Inverse Problems, Saariselkä, Finland. Title of the talk: Wave splitting and inverse scattering problems in the time domain
- 1992, Department of Mathematics, University of Canterbury, Christchurch, New Zealand. Title of the talk: Wave propagation problems: a review of direct and inverse methods using time domain techniques
- 1992, URSI, Sydney, Australia. Title of the talk: Transient wave propagation in a reciprocal bi-isotropic media at oblique incidence
- 1993, Electromagnetics Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland. Title of the lecture series: Direct and Inverse Scattering Problems in the Time Domain
- 1993, Electromagnetics Laboratory, Faculty of Electrical Engineering Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland. Title of the talk: Transient Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Wave Guides
- 1993, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, Germany. Title of the talk: Energy inequalities and constraints for time dependent electromagnetic fields
- 1994, PIERS'94, Noordwijk, The Netherlands. Title of the talk: Direct and inverse scattering problems in time-varying media
- 1994, Second Invariant Imbedding/Inverse Scattering Conference, Washington DC, USA. Title of the talk: Transient Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Waveguides
- 1995, Högskolan i Växjö. Title of the talk: Lösning av direkta och inversa spridningsproblem med tidsdomänmetoder
- 1995, CEA/CESTA, Le Barp, France. Title of the talk: Inverse scattering problems solved by time domain techniques
- 1995, Journèes MAXWELL, Bordeaux, France. Title of the talk: Transient electromagnetic waves and inversion techniques
- 1995, ICIAM 95, Hamburg, Germany. Title of the talk: Wave splitting techniques for hyperbolic systems
- 1996, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, Germany. Title of the talk: Wave splitting techniques and inverse scattering problems for electromagnetic waves in three dimensions
- 1996, FOA3, Linköping, Lecture series. Title of the lecture series: Elektromagnetisk teori för radarteknik.
- 1996, RVK96, Luleå/Kiruna. Title of the talk: Tidsdomänmetoder för direkta och inversa spridningsproblem i komplexa material
- 1996, PIERS'96, Innsbruck, Austria. Title of the talk: Recent theoretical developments in the propagation of transient electromagnetic waves
- 1996, PIERS'96, Innsbruck, Austria. Title of the talk: Inversion techniques in dispersive, complex media using transient electromagnetic waves
- 1996, PIERS'96, Innsbruck, Austria. Title of the talk: Non-linear inversion algorithms in spatially inhomogeneous materials
- 1996, Gerry Wickham Memorial and Service, Manchester, UK. Title of the talk: Transient electromagnetic wave propagation in laterally discontinuous, dispersive media
- 1996, XXVth General Assembly of the URSI, Lille, France. Session: Electromagnetic Theory. Title of the talk: Electromagnetic Wave Propagation in Waveguides Solved by Wave Splitting Technique
- 1997, Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering, Christchurch, New
Zealand. Title of the talk: Transient electromagnetic waves and inversion techniques - 1997, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Christchurch, New Zealand. Title of the talk: Some recent progress in transient electromagnetic wave propagation
- 1997, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Christchurch, New Zealand. Title of the talk: Precursors in dispersive materials
- 1997, BIANISOTROPICS'97, Glasgow, Scotland. Title of the talk: Time-domain methods for complex media
- 1997, Växjö University, Växjö, Sweden. Title of the talk: Integralrepresentationer för Helmholtz ekvation
- 1998, Nordic Demining Research Forum. Title of the talk: One-dimensional and multi-dimensional reconstructions
- 1998, Mathematisches Forschungsinstitut, Oberwolfach, Germany. Title of the talk: Direct and Inverse Scattering for Transient Electromagnetic Waves in Nonlinear Media
- 1998, Fachbereich Mathematik und Informatik der Universität Münster, Germany. Title of the talk: Effective electric parameters in woven materials - a complex homogenization problem
- 1998, Institut für Hochfrequenztechnik, Technische Universität Braunschweig, Germany. Title of the talk: Effective electric parameters in woven materials - a complex homogenization problem
- 1999, ICIAM 99, Edinburgh, Scotland. Title of the talk: Homogenization of woven materials
- 2001, URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Victoria, Canada. Title of the talk: Homogenization of anisotropic materials at fixed frequency
- 2001, Electromagnetics in Advanced Applications (ICEAA01). Title of the talk: Propagators in complex media with applications to frequency selective structures
- 2001, Workshop on Wave Dispersion in Complex Environments, Siena, Italy. Title of the talk: Radiation and surface waves in inhomogeneous substrates - an application to the propagator technique
- 2002, XXVIIth General Assembly of the URSI, Maastricht, Holland. Title of the poster: Dissipation in thick frequency selective structures
- 2002, Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö, Sweden. Title of the talk: Effective electric and magnetic parameters in materials with micro structure
- 2002, Colloquium, Göttingen, Germany. Title of the talk: Homogenization of electric and magnetic materials with micro structure
- 2004, Bianisotropics 2004, Ghent, Belgium. Title of the talk: Homogenization techniques for anisotropic materials
- 2005, 2nd Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Wave Phenomena, Växjö University, Sweden. Title of the talk: Near-field transformations in radome and antenna applications
- 2006, Chou University, Tokyo, Japan. Title of the talk: Near-field transformations in radome and antenna applications
- 2006, A 15 hours invited lecture series on Scattering of electromagnetic waves at National Defense Academy, Japan.
- 2006, Tokyo Institute of Technology University, Tokyo, Japan. Title of the talk: Near-field transformations in radome and antenna applications
- 2007, URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Ottawa, Canada. Title of the talk: New physical limitations in scattering and antenna problems
- 2008, XXIXth General Assembly of the URSI, Chicago, USA. Title of the poster: Physical bounds on scattering by metamaterials
- 2009, Workshop in Mathematics, Chalmers, Göteborg, Sweden. Title of the talk: Physical bounds in electromagnetic scattering problems
- 2009, Workshop on SAT, FHS/Livgardet, Stockholm, Sweden.Title of the talk: Cloaking - (o)möjligt
- 2009, Workshop on Flygteknik, FHS, Stockholm, Sweden. Title of the talk: Kretsanalogiabsorbenter, CAA
- 2010, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece. Title of the talk: Cloaking of electromagnetic waves
- 2010, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece. Title of the talk: Physical bounds in electromagnetic scattering problems
- 2010, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece. Title of the talks: Implications on passive systems by the use of analytic function theory
- 2012, Modern Mathematical Methods in Science and Technology, Kalamata, Greece. Title of the talk: On the use of analytic functions in electromagnetic scattering problems
- 2015, Colloquium, Colorado School of Mines, Golden, Colorado, USA. Title of the talk: On the use of analytic functions in electromagnetic scattering problems
- 2016, Department of Mathematics, University of Athens, Greece. Title of the talks: Multiple electromagnetic scattering by randomly distributed and oriented obstacles
Official committees
- 1990-1993, Member of the School Committee of Electrical Engineering at Lund Institute of Technology (Sektionsnämnd ED)
- 1990-1996, Reserve member of the Appointment Board of Electrical Engineering at
Lund Institute of Technology (Tjänsteförslagsnämnd ED) - 1993-1996, Reserve member of the Appointment Board of Engineering Physics at Lund Institute of Technology (Tjänsteförslagsnämnd F)
- 1994-1999, Deputy Chairman at the Department of Electromagnetic Theory, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University
- 1995-1996, Member of the Committee for Docent appointments at Electrical Engineering at Lund Institute of Technology (Docentnämnd ED)
- 1997-1999, Reserve member of the Appointment Board of Physics, Informatics, Mathematics, and Electrical Engineering at Lund Institute of Technology (Tjänsteförslagsnämnd forskningskollegium FIME)
- 1997-1999, Reserve member of the Research Board of Physics, Informatics, Mathematics, and Electrical Engineering at Lund Institute of Technology (Forskningsnämnd FIME)
- 1997-1999, Member of the Board for Graduate Studies at Lund Institute of Technology (LTHs forskarutbildningsnämnd)
- 1998-1999, Vice-chairman of the Board for Graduate Studies at Lund Institute of Technolog (LTHs forskarutbildningsnämnd)
- 2000-2006, Member of the Board of the Department of Electroscience, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University
- 2002, 2003, Deputy Chairman at the Department of Electroscience, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University
- 2005-2006, Chairman of the Board of Science at the Department of Electroscience, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University (Forskningsråd)
- 2006-2008, Member of Senate of Science, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University
- 2009-2013, Member of the Board of the Department of Electrical and Information Technology, Lund University
- 2009-2014, Member of the Board of the Faculty of Engineering (LTH), Lund University
- 2015-2017, Betygsombudsman, Lund Institute of Technology, Lund University
Chairman at conferences
- 1989, URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Stockholm, Sweden. Session: Inverse scattering III
- 1990, RVK90, Göteborg, Sweden. Session: Computational methods for electromagnetic field problems
- 1990, AMS/SIAM conference in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA. Session: Invariant Imbedding and Inverse Problems In Memory of Bob Krueger
- 1991, PIERS'91, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA. Session: Chiral Materials and Applications
- 1991, ICIAM 91 conference in Washington DC, USA. Session: Time Domain Techniques for Inverse Scattering Problems
- 1991, XVII Convention on Radio Science URSI/IEEE, Åbo, Finland. Session: Electromagnetic theory and chiral materials
- 1992, The Lapland Conference on Inverse Problems, Saariselkä, Finland
- 1994, CHIRAL'94, Perigueux, France. Session: Computations on single chiral elements
- 1994, Second Invariant Imbedding/Inverse Scattering Conference, Washington DC, USA
- 1997, Antenn97, Göteborg, Sweden. Session: Periodic structures
- 1997, BIANISOTROPICS'97, Glasgow, Scotland. Session: Linear Complex Materials: Theory 1
- 1999, XXVIth General Assembly of the URSI, Toronto, Canada. Session: Electromagnetic theory
- 1999, NRS symposium, Lund, Antennen och dess omvärld, kopplingen mellan antenn och radiosystem. Session: Vågutbredning
- 2000, Antenn00, Nordic Antenna Symposium, Lund. Session: Small Antennas II
- 2001, URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Victoria, Canada. Session: Novel Mathematical Techniques
- 2002, RVK02, Stockholm, Sweden. Session: Elektromagnetiska fält och vågor
- 2002, XXVIIth General Assembly of the URSI, Maastrich, Holland. Session: Inverse scattering and imaging
- 2003, Antenn03, Nordic Antenna Symposium, Kalmar. Session: Poster Session II - Numerical Methods and Small Antennas
- 2004, URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Pisa, Italy. Session: Homogenization of Electromagnetic Material Parameters
- 2004, Bianisotropics 2004, Ghent, Belgium. Session: Electromagnetic Theory
- 2005, RVK05, Linköping, Sweden. Session: Elektromagnetiska fält och vågor
- 2006, Antenn 06, Linköping, Sweden. Session: Invited Speakers, Prof. Ben A. Munk
- 2008, XXIXth General Assembly of the URSI, Chicago, USA. Session: Electromagnetic theory
- 2010, GigaHertz, Lund, Sweden
- 2010, URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Berlin, Germany. Session: Analytic identities and limitations in electromagnetic theory
- 2010, URSI International Symposium on Electromagnetic Theory, Berlin, Germany. Session: Complex Media
- 2011, XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Istanbul, Turkey. Session: Electromagnetic theory
- 2013, Modern Mathematical Methods in Science and Technology, Kalamata, Greece.
- 2014, XXXIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Bejing, China. Session: Electromagnetic theory
- 2015, Electromagnetic & Light Scattering XV, Leipzig, Germany. Session: Electromagnetic scattering
- 2017, XXXIIth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Montréal, Canada. Session: Staffan Ström Memorial Session
2003 Short course (16 hours) at Lund Institute of Technology on Arbetsrätt och ekonomi