Jaume Rius I Riu, Forskare
Jaume Rius i Riu (PhD, MSc) received a MSc. in Physics from Autonomic University of Barcelona (UAB, 1996), a Master in Teaching and Pedagogy from University of Lleida (UdL, 1997), a Researcher Qualifying degree from University of Barcelona (UB, 1998) and a PhD in Experimental Physics from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH, 2002). He was a Post Doctoral fellow at the Physics department of Oulu University (OU, 2003).
Since 2004 he is a part-time researcher with the Broadband Communications group at Lund University. From 2004 to 2006 he was the first mile technologies work package leader at the EU 6FP MUSE project. From 2004 to 2006 he was project manager for a number of xDSL research projects within Ericsson's business unit networks. Since 2005 he is a member of Ericsson's European Commission research steering board and member of support teams for DSL business case analysis and preparation. Since 2006 he is member of several Ericsson steering boards within Ericsson's business unit networks, and he actively participates in Ericsson's broadband networks research strategies and research project planning. Since 2007 he is Ericsson's DSL Forum Coordinator and project manager for DSL Forum related activities within Ericsson. His main interests are Broadband Networks Architecture and Transport technologies and digital communications, information theory and digital signal processing.
Since 2008 he is a member of the IFG - Industriforskargruppen (Industrial Research Group) within IVA - the Kungl. Ingenjörsvetenskapsakademien (the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences).