News archive, 2010
EIT innovations in IVA presentation
Published: 2010-12-06
On October 29, 2010, members and invited guests came from all over the world attended the 91st Annual Meeting of IVA, The Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences ( Björn O. Nilsson, President of IVA, gave his annual address about progress in research and technology. Two innovations springing from EIT which is now further pursued in companies was presented: a Digital Holographic Microscope (approximately 18 minutes into to video) and ResQu (approximately 38 minutes into to video). The video can be found on:
URSI Young Scientist Best Paper Award
Published: 2010-08-25
Dr. Alireza Kazemzadeh received 2nd prize in the Young Scientist Best Paper Award at the URSI Electromagnetic Theory Symposium in Berlin, August 16-19, 2010. The title of his paper is "Thin wideband absorber with optimal thickness"
TRAMMS has been selected as Celtic Gold Award winner 2009
Published: 2010-03-17
The department's Celtic project TRAMMS has been selected by the Celtic Core Group as winner of the Celtic Gold Award 2009.
Henrik Almeida Honorary Doctor at LTH, year 2010
Published: 2010-02-19
Henrik Almeida, Ericsson AB, has been apointed Honorary Doctor at LTH, year 2010.