The main course text is,
- Information and Communication Theory, by Stefan Höst
(Wiley / IEEE press, ISBN 978-1-119-43378-1)
Available for students at Lund Uinversity library as eBook:- Go to LUBsearch and log in with your student id.
- Go to ePublications (upper left menu)
- Type in "9781119433781" and press Seach. (This is the ISBN number for the book.
- Under Full Text Access go to "Wiley Online Library Online Books 2019"
Other books that can be recommended for the course are:
- James L. Massey, Lecture Notes: Applied Digital Information Theory I and II. (Free download)
- David J.C. MacKay, Information Theory, Inference, and Learning Algorithms. (Free download)
- Robert M. Gray, Entropy and Information Theory. (Free download)
- Thomas M. Cover and Joy A. Thomas, Elements of Information Theory (2nd Ed),
ISBN10: 0471241954 John Wiley And Sons Ltd
Articles of interest (free download):
- Claude E. Shannon, A Mathematical Theory of Communication. Bell System Technical Journal, vol. 27, pp. 379-423 and 623-656, July and October, 1948.
- R. V. L. Hartley, Transmission of Information. Bell System Technical Journal, July 1928