Faraday libraries for UMC 90nm CMOS

For the UMC 90nm process we have some libraries from Faraday with a set of IO-
Pads and standard cells. These can be used for initial simulation, design synthesis, and
final functional verification.

The design can then be floorplanned and routed before shipped off for fabrication.
 The following tools will be used

The tools are briefly described below. For more complete instructions, tutorials etc look
in the information for the course in which this process is used. There are also more manuals
within the tools.

More about the process itself can be found along the instructions for the Analog Environment.

Use the command 'velocity'  to start the place and route tool. A license update has made
the older one obsolete!


All the tools needed are initialized by one command which should be run in an empty  sub-
directory. A lot of setup and example files will be created if they do not already exist. On
the department's computors the following command shall be used.

> source /usr/local-eit/cad2/faraday/u90_setup

The setup routine will create a file structure that looks like this

       |                    |                      |                     |                |
    vhdl          netlists          WORK          work          soc

Use StartDir as default location when running Synopsys or ModelSim. Before using the
Encounter tool, descend into the library soc. The function of the other directories are

Synthesis with Synopsys

The cell libraries available are

fsd0a_a_generic_core : 1.0V Standard Cells. Low-K, SP-RVT.

fsd0a_a_generic_core_tt1v25c.db          : typical case
fsd0a_a_generic_core_ss0p9v125c.db   : worst case
fsd0a_a_generic_core_ff1p1vm40c.db  : best case
fod0a_b25_t25_generic_io : 2.5V IO-Pads. Low-K, SP-RVT.
fod0a_b25_t25_generic_io_tt1v25c.db         : typical
fod0a_b25_t25_generic_io_ss0p9v125c.db   : worst
fod0a_b25_t25_generic_io_ff1p1vm40c.db  : best
All the library files can be found at $FAR90/<lib_name>. Quick links to all the '.lib'- and
'.db' files required by synopsys exists in the directory $FAR90/syn2009 . Make the
appropriate changes in the local '.synopsys_dc.setup'.

More documentation regarding the libraries can be found in the library  $FAR90/doc/ .

The synthesis program is started by the command  design_vision .

There is a small example that can be studied. Look in the file 'vhdl/medianfilter_P.vhd'  for
information on how to use the pads in the vhdl-file. Use 'source comp.dv' to start the exe-
cution of the command file.


Simulation is performed by the ModelSim tool, which can handle both vhdl and verilog
files. Simulation can be executed before or after synthesis. The simulator tool is started by the
command 'vsim'.

There is a small example command file that runs through an entire simulation. This is executed
by typing 'vsim -do medfilt.cmd' at the shell prompt.

There is a lot of documentation available from the tool menues. Here is a direct address to a
tutorial  $MODEL_SIM/docs/pdfdocs/modelsim_se_tut.pdf


The place-and-route of the construction is performed by the Cadence tool Encounter.

It is started with the command 'encounter'.  Do not use an ampersand (&) here.  The window
from which Encounter is started will serve as the command input window.

The setup command will copy some setup- and command files that executes an example design
in Encounter. The entire  session is then launched by the command 'source MedFilt.com' from
the command window. Naturally the commands are also available from the tool menues.

As shown in the example pad placement file 'MedFilt.io' the corner- and power pads can be in-
troduced in this file. There is no need to edit them into the verilog file.

When the design is ready, it has to be saved in a special format (stream) before it is sent for
fabrication.  Invoke the command Design > Save > GDS  and fill in the names of the stream file
to be created and of the mapfile, far90_soc.map.